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As soon as our mother left, the air became less tense. Something had happened between us. Something that I will never fully understand. Immediately, he ran up and hugged me. I just stood there, sort of. Admittedly, I did get a little "stiff," but as far as I know, he never noticed. However, he did notice that I, his brother, his best friend in the world, his "unrequited" lover, was not hugging him back and was in fact brushing him off, he spoke up.

"I know you heard me and Mom's conversation, but I also know that even if you don't love me that way, you still love me. Plus, in case you haven't noticed, you should be dead, and I put myself through Hell thinking that you were. So please, can you just hug me back? If not for me, but for my sanity. I just need to know that you're really here. Please."

Even I could never live up to the monster they make me out to be. Even I, the great Gerard Way, known throughout Hell and back, could never turn down someone who looked so weak, so helpless. I made him that way, so how could I just turn him down? I couldn't; but that's what started the end for us. Just a hug sealed out fate. It wasn't a hug as brothers that made us this way. It was a hug between lovers. A moment that I was completely unsuspecting of.

I remember that first moment. He was looking at me. His face, pure Ecstasy. To this day, I am not sure whether he was looking up or down. You see, usually he was the taller one, but somehow, in this seeming alternate universe, I had taken the "male lead." It even seemed as if his head was nuzzled in my chest, under my chin.

I'm not sure if I had always felt that way towards my brother; even today, I am not sure if I still feel that way. Perhaps, it was just a "passing moment," "something to get caught in," "an act of lust," the excuses could go on for what seemed like forever. Yet, even with every excuse, there was always the possibility of it being none of these. Perhaps, it was truly love. Now, any normal person would never admit that, but, as we all know, I am not normal. I am Gerard, the monster, the musician, a man with no moral, and I have no problem admitting these things. The second he looked up at me, I knew that I truly did love him, and that this, well, this was right.

For the first time, we kissed, but as more of a test. A test that we both, proudly, passed. I suppose it made sense, the way things happened. The "stronger," older brother, sworn to protect his younger brother at all costs, assuming the lead, while the slightly feminine, skinnier, "weaker", younger ironically plays the victim. The roles, tapped into immediately, made perfect sense. It was rather easy, natural; but isn't everything that way with the one you love? It was, however, also very forceful. I still wonder how no one had heard us, what with Mikey's screaming, and all.

I looked into his eyes. There was always a myth that when someone was sexually lusting another that they were with, that their eyes would turn green. I can now vouch for this myth, for I have seen it myself. Yet, even with the lust so clear in his eyes, you could still see how truly innocent he was, so pure. Mikey was still a virgin.

This is gonna be fun, I thought, as a dark grin pulled itself over my face. "If it hurts, just tell me. I'll stop, okay?" I knew in fact, though, that he wouldn't speak up. You see, Mikey was sort of a...well, a masochist. He wasn't hesitant to lie about it, either.

"O-okay, I'll tell you." He gulped at the end of his sentence. This was a good sign.


Right after the short conversation, I immediately threw him against a wall. That had to hurt. I was against him, rubbing against the wall. I, once again, looked straight at him. I was only in my Levi's now, and he was wearing one of my oversized shirts with a pair of tight, short shorts. This, of course, only made him look more innocent.

As I began to take off his shirt, I paused for a second. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Is there something wrong with me?"

Part of me believes it was the way he sounded, so insecure, but maybe it was the light. Either way, he looked more feminine then I had ever seen him. Almost like a real girl. This made me even more protective. All I wanted, and still want, in the world was for him to feel accepted. But that question, it killed me. "You know I love you, right?"

He looked at me, confused. "O-of course, Gee. We wouldn't be here if you didn't." Oh, wouldn't we....The thought was shameful, but perhaps true.

With that, I took off his shirt. He was skinny, but in a good way. The way that said 'hey, I take care of myself, I'm just not buff.' It would be less fun if he was buff. The rest of the night set off in flames. To this day, that night was either the best, or worst, night of what was my entire life.


Hi guys.

What do ya'll think?

I'm still a little uncomfortable, but I think I'm getting into the hang of this!

I don't know.

Love you all!

<3 Charr

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