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... Gundham looks nervous...

... Oh right... He's not used to being in big crowds...

This'll be an easy win!

Once Fuyuhiko came back with a  group of people, they started recording.


Tanaka stared at me and backed up, he was staring at me with full pity, as if he didn't want to hurt me... Why would he accept if he's not even going to fight back.

I walk towards him and pick up his scarf.

"Dammit! You can't fight cause of your mice!" I shouted, I looked around and lay my eyes on his scarf...

"Take it off, I'm not trying to hurt weak animals" I scoffed.

"Weak you say?!" He grunted as he handed his hamsters to Miss Sonia.

"In fact they aren't as weak as you think!" He growled.
He walked towards me and..

[Insert dramatic punch]

"Agh! Shit!" I whined, holding onto my stomach, "fuck fuck! You punch just like my old man..."

... I let that slip... He didn't hear that right? No one heard that...?

I looked around and snarled at him.

He just stood there, fixing his scarf, he's acting like what he did was nothing?! That fucking hurt.

"What? Too frightened? It seems you have come to realize our differences in status" He smirked.

"Status is bullshit!" I shouted.

He walked towards me and pulled my hair, "it would clearly to be wiser to retreat, for you are nothing but a weak pest" He whispered in my ear.

"Like hell I would! If I give up now I won't be able to stand up for myself!" I shouted.

"Psh" he scoffed, "if I were in your shoes, I would be more mature about it and leave"

"Well then, leave" I grunted, pulling his scarf.


He glared at me and lifted my chin up, "listen, I wouldn't hurt someone I pity so much, but in this case, it seems to be acceptable, for you seem to be testing my patience" He growled, kicking my knee.

"Gah!" I tripped and fell to the ground...

I didn't even have a chance to punch him... Not even once...

... Wait he said he pitied me, right?

I roll down my jumpsuit sleeves and cover my face with it, trying to act like I was crying.


He looked down at me and crouched.


"As expected, your nothing but a weak mortal, I lied about pitying you so you can embarrass your self like this" He whispered, placing his hand on my shoulder.


He just laughed and walked off, going to get his devas from Miss Sonia.

"Damn you Tanaka!" I growled.

"Hah! You have fallen for my trap! How do you feel? Do you perhaps feel pathetic?" He said, turning my direction.

"Ugh! I fucking hate you! And the way you talk! And-... I hate everything about you! Gosh why can't you just die!!" I shouted angrily, wiping my tears.

... My stomach hurts so much... It's the same spot where HE would punch me...

I sat down on the closest bench and see Ibuki running towards me.
"Heyooo!!!" She smiled, taking a seat next to me.


"Souda-San seems sad..." She frowned, messing with my braid, "Ibuki is guessing... You lost..."

"..." I smack her hand and glare at her, "Leave me alone..." I grunted, pushing her away.

"sometimes Souda-San sounds weird..." She smiled, "Ibuki knows when Souda-San is sad, he always pushes people away"


I stayed quiet...

She was right...

I always end up pushing people away just because I'm being selfish...

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