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I looked in the mirror and whined, "Why-... Why do I have to be so ugly.."

I grab a pare of scissors off my dresser and stared at myself...

"Sometimes things change, it's fine... It's just... A new look..."

I slowly moved the scissores to the length I wanted it to be... It wasn't too short, that woulda been weird..

I grab a hair tie and put my hair in a low ponytail, "dammit, still ugly as shit" I groaned, backing away from the mirror.

"... I'm not even hungry anymore..."
I throw away the slice of pizza and sit down on my bed, "Crying myself to sleep will do... I guess..."

I covered myself in the sheets and started to sob.

"... Dammit, no wonder why he likes Miss Sonia..." I whined, "she's perfect... I'm just... Some pink haired freak who likes their enemy... I-Its not my fault though! It's Gundhams fault I like him!"

I groaned and slowly started to fall asleep..

-In the morning-

*beep beep*

I turn to my clock and sighed.

"Damn that... I don't wanna go to school, I'm too embarrassed-"

I'm still mad at him, literally, why would he do that?! It's not-... It's not even funny!

I walk downstairs and eat breakfast, "why the hell aren't you at school?!"

I see my dad at the couch watching TV, staring at me from the corner of his eyes.

"... Oh, and that boy-... Uhm..."

"Nothing happened..." I sighed, "he's just an asshole"


I continued to eat my cereal until I finished it, the milk was still in there...

... Oh...

So that's how it works...

Some people like to only eat the pebbles, but others finish the entire bowl...

Everyone has their type...

...so... What's Gundham type? Shouldn't dye my hair blonde to look like Miss Sonia?


No... That'll be weird...

"... There's no use..." I groaned, pouring my milk in the sink and leaving it there.

I slowly make my way upstairs and go towards my bedroom.



It's so hot in here...

I feel my entire face heat up..

Why is it so hot in my room?

I open up my window and I realized how hot it was outside today...


I closed my window and closed the blinds, turning the fan on.


I plopped down onto my bed and stared at the ceiling.


"I'll take a shower..."

I walked towards the shower and slowly walk in...

-after the shower-

I didn't bother to try and dry my hair, it'll dry later, so what was the point? Besides, it's hot outside...

I sit down on my bed and turn the TV on.



It's going to be hot for at least two other days?!


I switch through the channels and decided to go to Netflix and watch some shows...

Boss baby?

Hah! Looks like Fuyuhiko!

- - - -

Once I finished watching the movie, I hear a knock at the door.

"... Isn't dad supposed to be at work right now? Why is he still here?"

Hes Too Good For Me (SouDam)Where stories live. Discover now