Chapter 2

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"Sid. You have got up early today. And you look happy. What is the reason?", Sumitra Devi runs her fingers through his hair.
Sidharth smiles and says,"I haven't slept all night."
"What? Why? Sid you will fall sick like this."
"Mom. I won't fall sick. You don't know what happened last night. I am so happy today, I feel energised again. I wrote a song. I got inspired again.", he replies excitedly.

"Mom, we need to find out who lives in that bunglow. I need to find out who plays music in there.", Sidharth says on the breakfast table.
"They have just arrived recently. How can we just go into their house without reason? Why are you so desperate?", Sumitra Devi says pouring him a glass of orange juice.
Sidharth stares at the bungalow and says,"Mom, remember how Dad used to play the synthesizer. He used to forget everything when composing a new song. And we used to be mesmerized while hearing him play. You remember right?"

His mother nods her head, unable to say anything more as he continues,"Mom, last night I had the same feeling. I experienced the same ecstasy when I heard the music. It inspired me to compose a new song. I was working on it all night. Not just last night, I had heard the same music a few days ago. What a soothing tune! What great keystrokes! Mom, I need to find the musician who lives in that house. Please Mom."

"Santosh! You won't believe what happened today!", Poonam excitedly says coming to the dining table.
"Did you meet a celebrity again or what?", Santosh replies without looking at her.
"No. But we will. You know our neighbour is the famous singer Sidharth Srivastava. Today I met his mother. She has invited us to their home for a party tomorrow night. We will meet Sidharth and many other celebs. I am so excited.", Poonam says.
"Hmm..Do Sana know about this?", he asks.
Poonam looks at her room, "Yes. She seems excited but she is not expressing it."

"Sid, are you sure you know about this? It will be hectic for you.", Praveen, Sidharth's manager says as they get down from the car.
Sidharth nods his head, "Yes. I want to perform. I don't want to lose any opportunity for live performances."
"Fine. Your wish. I am just worried for your health. That's it. Mr.Rao is at the cafe near the pool side. We need to hurry.", Praveen says.

As soon as they enter the lobby of the five star hotel, a few girls surround them, asking for selfies and autographs. Many others join them and Sidharth attends them all with a smile, posing for them, giving them autographs and talking to them.

"You give too much attention to your fans. See we got late. Why do you always say yes to photos and autographs?", Praveen says with irritation in his voice.
Sidharth smiles,"Fans are my family. Whatever name and fame I have today, it is only because of them. I can't ignore them or deny them anything ever. I don't care if I get late because of that. "

Sidharth finishes his conversation looking at him and dashes with a girl. The girl is about to fall into the pool, when Sidharth grabs her wrist and pulls her closer. He however slips and falls down on the floor backwards. The girl fall over him, landing on his hard chest.

Sidharth looks at her face and remains in awe of her beauty. Her eyes are closed and her pink lips trembling out of fear. A few strands of hair are over her face. Her innocence and simplicity is something that draws him towards her. 

Sidharth is lost in her but the trance is broken when Praveen calls his name. The girl opens her eyes to look into his dark intense ones. He again gets lost in the hazel orbs.
Praveen again calls his name, "Sid, are you okay? Sid..Sid.."
Sidharth nods his head and asks the girl,"Are you alright?"
She doesn't reply but tries to get up. Sidharth tries to help her by holding her arm, but she removes his hands. She starts to panic and makes an attempt to get up.
Praveen comes up to help but Sidharth signals him to stop.

"Mam, relax. You can get up slowly, no one is touching you.", Sidharth says to her.
The girl still does not say a single word but stops panicking. She slowly gets up and before Sidharth could get up or say anything, she rushes away.

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