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Sidharth waits on the stairs to get up to the stage. He can hear the loud cheering of his fans. They are screaming his name. He is ready to get up and perform. He is no longer scared.
He turns back and says, "Baby!"
Shehnaaz comes up and grabs his hands. He uses his hand to touch her face to see her. She writes on his palm, "Nervous?"
He pulls her closer and kisses her forehead, "No. Why should I be? I have my love with me."

It has been two years now since the day they had found their way to communicate. Their love and Sandip's technology worked in their favour. They started communicating by writing on the palm. Sandip had got everything set with the application on the iPad. This was enough for Sana to convince her father. And eventually he agreed to their marriage.
They got married with a lot of pomp and show the next month.

 Sidharth's eyesight has deteriorated with time. He can see things but they are hazy now. But he is not scared anymore nor is he sad. Rather he is happy as his life is with him. His family, his love and his music is with him.

Sidharth had stopped performing a few months back after his eyes got bad. But Sana asked him to get back on the stage. And how can Sidharth say no to her? So here they are in New Delhi for the first show after the break. He chose New Delhi as this was the place where he had found his love two years ago.

She and Sandip made plans and successfully practised everything with him. Sidharth had to count his steps on the stage. He had to practice everything before the show. And he knew if he falls, he has Sana and Sandip to hold him. Now all he has to do is something that he loves, performing.

Holding hands they get up on the stage. The lights turn on and the audience go berserk. Someone gives him a microphone and he grips it tightly while talking over it.

"Hello friends! I know you all have missed me! Right!"
The crowd says yes in union.
"I apologize for that. I was going through a rough phase of my life. You must have heard the rumours. Trust me. They are.. true this time. Yes, I am losing my eyesight."
He could hear murmurs in the audience.
"This doesn't mean you will not hear my songs. I will continue performing."
All cheer again.

"It is not easy for me. Trust me it is not. But I am here for you all. And I thank one person who has always inspired me. My gorgeous wife, Shehnaaz. A round of applause for her please."
He hears a thunderous clapping sound.
"She has inspired me to write some amazing songs and sing some of the most soulful compositions. And she is the one who has brought me back here among you people."

"Today she will be with me on synthesizer. And the first song that we will play is from our upcoming album- Harmony of Broken Souls."
As the crowd cheers, Sidharth kisses Sana on her cheek and whispers in her ears,"Thank you baby. And remember I love you."

Sana kisses him back on his cheek and goes to her place. Sidharth looks up and whispers thanks to his dad. And then he starts playing his guitar and sing his new song, dedicated to their love.

"We were really broken, 
We were till our core.
It was difficult to mend.
We knew it for sure.
But love's mere touch,
Changed our lives.
We were actually healed,
We were truly alive.
We were indeed happy,
It was a miracle, it was allure.
Broken souls created music
A melodious harmony for sure."

This was supposed to be short story of 10 chapters. Hope you loved it..
Thank you all..💕💕💕💕

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