Chapter 10 - Lea's POV

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I howled to the sky for the next two nights as I tried to come up with something to spend my time until I figured out what I was going to do with my life as a lone wolf.

That last night as I stepped back from the rocky ledge I padded my way past Spencer who was busy tending to the fire and shifted behind the nearby boulder. I knew what I wanted to do that would both help my conscious and hopefully bring some peace of mind to Lena but I also knew it would piss the hell out of Dylan to no end and that made me smirk as I walked back towards the fire.

"What has you in a good mood tonight?" Spencer asked noticing my change in behavior from the last time I shifted.

"Just the fact that I know how to help most packs and get back at Dylan at the same time." I answered sitting next to him.

He bristled at the mention of Dylan's name, the first time I've spoken it out loud since he rejected me. "What are you going to do?"

"Well you were talking about your stay with these groups of wolves who were cast out and forced to become rogues but didn't commit any crimes to earn that punishment. I want to make an attempt at finding them a new pack to become a part of whether it's a new one or hell even establish a whole new pack just for the wolves who have been wrongfully kicked out." I paused and faced him and judging by his reaction I knew he was going to help me.

"There sounds like there should be a "but" in there somewhere." he responded.

"There is, the only way that this whole plan is going to be successful is if we take them to the Light Wolves in Vermont." I answered.

"Would they help? I mean I'm assuming they will but will they know what we're trying to do?" he asked.

"We can have a designated wolf pass the message on from us and they will handle the rest. I just hope that this whole plan is going to make a difference, not just for the packs but for the wolves who want a home but don't have one." I stopped talking to let him absorb my whole crazy plan.

"I think this could work. Besides, if we can make a trip once a month, based on how many we can convince of a better life, we would help quiet a few. After that word will spread and you'll have groups waiting for us as we head north." he pitched in.

I nodded in agreement, "There's only one problem. They know my scent and will try their damnedest to get me to stay with them. I'll have to stay back near the state border and you'll have to go in to make sure the rest arrive safe and the message is passed on." I stated.

"That won't be a problem, I understand what you mean. We'll just have to tread carefully around the Gulf Pack as their still trying to get me to come back."

"Is that your original pack or the one you grew up in and than left to find your true pack?" I asked.

"It's the pack I was raised in, my original pack was Blue Rock. When I went to rejoin, the Alpha's had changed and the pack was more hostile and war ready than when I had left it. I didn't want to be a part of a pack like that especially when I found out the truth behind the Alpha change from a group of wolves I was staying with about a month later." he paused either ignoring or not noticing my reaction when he stated that he was from the same pack as I was. "Well enough about that, it's getting late and we need to be up early if you want to set your plan into motion."

I nodded in agreement and stood up before heading back around the boulder to shift back into my preferred form. When I walked back around Spencer was already putting the fire out and was clearing a larger spot for himself. I settled into my usual spot and when he was done he stood and walked away brushing his hand along the ruff of my fur as he did. He returned shortly in his dark brown wolf and made a shrugging motion when I gave him a puzzled expression.  He usually stayed in his human form at night as he mindlessly talked about the good parts of his past before we fell asleep. Tonight was going to be quiet without it.

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