5 - Unknown Serial Killer 492

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Death offers a plea deal to the defendant.

The young man claiming the title of Death strode into the courtroom, his expression grim. Cate followed him. Sam tried to catch her eye, to get some idea of what the hell was going on, but she wouldn't look at him.

Anna looked flustered. "Mr. Reaper, he –"

"Isn't guilty of death evasion in the first degree," the Grim Reaper finished, coming to a halt in the middle of the space between the lawyers' tables and the judges' bench. Cate hung back, standing in between the two tables, just a couple steps out of the gallery. "He can't be; it's impossible."

Stan frowned. "Mr. Reaper, Mr. Walker here –"

"Has never, ever had a Life Return filed," the Grim Reaper finished again, turning his gaze now to the death attorney. "Ever. I cannot emphasize that enough. If he has never had a Return filed, then how can he be responsible for his CDA failing to do so? He can't. Therefore, the absence of records concerning Samuel Walker is not his fault."

"That's what I was telling you," Sam hissed at Stan, who just scowled. "I'm innocent."

The Grim Reaper lifted his hand, silencing Sam. "However, it is still a grave error, and we can legally hold you responsible for evasion in the third degree."

"What?" Sam exclaimed, rising from his seat. "But you just said it yourself: I didn't do anything! How in the hell can you hold me?"

"We wouldn't hold you in hell," the Grim Reaper said impatiently. "That's for offenders in the first degree. We can charge you because there is still an absence of records, Mr. Walker. Do you know how serious that is? No, you don't, because you are an oblivious mortal who has no conception of death!"

"Well, it's hard to take Death seriously when he calls himself Pete," Sam retorted, crossing his arms.

The Grim Reaper, otherwise known as Pete, paled. Cate glanced down, biting her lip hard in what appeared to be an attempt to repress laughter. Silence fell over the courtroom as Sam and the Grim Reaper stared each other down.

The rational side of Sam's mind, meanwhile, was screaming at him. What are you doing? You just burned the Grim Reaper! The guy who's trying to get you out of this trial! Are you an idiot?

Sometimes, Sam wondered about that.

"Judge, I offer a plea deal, which the defendant will take," the Grim Reaper eventually said, his eyes still boring into Sam's. "He will offer his assistance to Grim Reaper Services, under pain of death. If he fails, I will allow you, Anna, the honor of executing him. Unless he pisses me off – then I will kill him personally."

Cate cleared her throat intentionally, causing the Grim Reaper to glance back at her with a furrowed brow. "What? Oh, right. Yes, the plea deal. So there's no need for a trial, since he will provide us assistance in place of it."

Stan spoke up. "A generous offer, Mr. Reaper, but for the sake of upholding my oath to this court, I must ask. What does my client receive in return for his services?"

The Grim Reaper lifted an eyebrow at Sam. "He doesn't get terminated. It's my only offer and in my view, it's a damn good one."

"He'll take it," Stan declared.

"Hey!" Sam exclaimed, turning to look at the attorney. "Aren't you supposed to consult with me first?"

Stan gave him a look. "You'd be an absolute idiot to turn that deal down. Considering the alternate is death."

"If I fail, it's death!" Sam pointed out.

"Sam," Cate spoke up. "The lack of records means that, according to the GRS, you have never lived. In order to balance our records, we would have to terminate you. Nothing personal, but it's...well, it's business." She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

Sam Walker and the Grim Reaper Services (ONC 2021)Where stories live. Discover now