8 - The Tunnel

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Cate grabbed Marcus and Raj while the Grim Reaper grabbed Sam, turning and stepping through the sudden opening into the Void. The swirl of darkness cascaded down on Sam as they spun through the Void, and then they were landing smack dab in the middle of the Atrium.

Sam stumbled on landing but managed to keep his feet for the most part. Marcus and Raj, however, both hit the ground, Marcus slamming his knees while Raj sprawled full length.

"Amateurs," the Grim Reaper muttered. "Come on, get up, I don't have time for your lollygagging." And without further ado, he strode off toward the black doors.

Marcus and Raj gawked at nearly everything as they passed through the doors and approached Maurice at the reception desk. The black robed figure looked up and pointed accusingly as they approached.

"Two badges, Maurice," the Grim Reaper requested. "Marcus Bronze and Raj Acharya. Need limited clearance for GRS."

Maurice made a contented hissing sound and tapped some keys on his computer before taking two newly printed badges and handing them to his roommates, who tentatively clipped them to their shirts. Maurice then looked up at Sam and even though there was no sign of his face beneath the hood, Sam could swear he was sending him a dirty look for his continued lack of an identity.

"Hypocrite," Sam muttered at him, making Maurice recoil angrily, hissing nastily.

The group walked into the Grim Reaper Services and past the curtain behind which the CDAs worked. Cate offered brief explanations for things as they headed to the Grim Reaper's office, her brother pushing open the door and ushering everyone inside quite impatiently.

"Where are we beginning our hunt, anyway?" Sam asked.

"The crime scene," the Grim Reaper told him. "It's the best place to start."

"But first," Cate interjected. "You three need to be armed. When we do find Slit-Gag, he will be able to see us and fight with us, which he will take advantage of." She gestured for the three to follow her and left the office.

In the armory, which was filled with weapons of all types, Cate selected three swords and handed them to the guys. "These are Soulsnatcher blades," she told them.

"What do they do?" Sam asked, examining his sword.

"If you strike Slit-Gag in his chest or throat, a fatal blow, this will instantly bind his soul to the blade and keep him from continuing to struggle or fight."

"You mean he won't die when we kill him?" Raj asked in alarm.

"Serial killers typically don't," Cate said. "Who do you think had to finish off Bundy when they put him in the electric chair?"

"I'm starting not to like this," Marcus muttered.

"Here," Cate handed Marcus a small box. "These are contacts that will allow you to see death. Trust me, you'll want these."

The Grim Reaper strode into the room as Marcus was examining the lenses suspiciously. "All right, let's go!"

Sam's phone chose that moment to buzz and he started, yanking it out of his pocket. It was Brianna again.

"Who is it?" Marcus asked curiously.

"Bri," Sam answered. "She wants to meet up for coffee tomorrow, but I'm busy."

"Hold on a second," Raj said suddenly. "Your sister is a doctoral candidate, right? In psychology?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah. So?"

"What is her field of expertise?"

For a moment, Sam just regarded Raj in bewilderment before closing his eyes. How come I didn't think of this? "Brianna's studying serial killers."

Sam Walker and the Grim Reaper Services (ONC 2021)Where stories live. Discover now