2. Diagon Alley

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Word Count: 2573

It's the morning now, and you found yourself in London with a better copy of the letter. It had a complete list of everything you needed for Hogwarts. Harry was reading aloud his list of things that would be needed, though you noticed it wasn't at all the same as your list.

"First-year students will require three sets of plain work robes, one plain pointed hat for day wear, one pair of dragon-hide gloves. . ." You interrupted him.

"Do we need all of this, I mean a pointed hat. I'm not wearing that every day." You turned to ask Hagrid though he was laughing at a parking meter. 

You and Harry stopped to look at him.

"Things these muggles dream up. . ." He turned and looked at you guys. "Did I miss sum?" 

Harry continued with his list. ". . . and the following set books: The standard book of spells by Miranda Goshawk. One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore. One wand, one standard size 2 pewter cauldron, and may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat, or a toad." Harry gave a confused look. Rereading what he had just said aloud.

"Hagrid why is it that I have a different list than Harry?" You said while looking through your list and realizing you had quite a couple of different things and a longer list of books.

"Blimey I completely forgot to mention. y/n you're gonna be goin' straight into yer the third year. This way you'll be in class with kids your age. No matter tho I'm sure the teachers will have a plan to get you all caught up."

"Hagrid can we find all this in London?" Harry asked. Walking backward while asking the question. You laughed as he slightly tripped on his own two feet.

"If yer know where to look?"

You then walked into a dark shabby pub of sorts, the sign outside labeled it as 'The Leaky Cauldron'. The bartender must have recognized Hagrid because not a moment sooner he was asking Hagrid if he wanted a drink.  "Ah, Hagrid the usual I presume?" He said.

"Not terday Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business just getting the young Potters here their school supplies." The room then fell quiet after that remark. People immediately stopped what they were doing. All heads turned towards you and Harry.

"It can't be Harry and Y/n Potter!" The bartender now said. Everyone got up from their seats and in a blink of an eye, you and Harry were being swarmed with people shaking you're hand and saying 'thank you.' or saying that it was a pleasure to meet you.

Slowly a nervous young man made his way forward, toward you and Harry. 

"Ha-har-harry and Y-y/n P-p-p-p potter. C-can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you." The young man said stuttering his words. 

"Professor! Didn't see yeh there. This 'ere' s Professor Quirrell. He'll be your defense against the dark arts teacher at Hogwarts." Hagrid explained. 

"F-F-f-f-f Fearfully F-Fascinating subject. N-not that you need it eh potters."

"Yes well, we must get on, Much to buy."

You reached your hand over to shake Professor Quirrell but he just backed away. Confused you just bid him goodbye and followed Hagrid. Hagrid led you and Harry to what seemed like a small back alley where the pub must have kept its storage and garbage.

"See you two er famous," Hagrid spoke up a small grin on his face.

"Yes but why are we famous Hagrid." You asked.

"Ya, all those people back there how was it they all knew our names?" Harry added on. 

Hagrid looked away, you could tell he was keeping something from you. You figured it must have something to do with your parents otherwise it wouldn't be hard for him to tell you both.

Too Little, Too Late George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now