5. Broom lessons

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Word Count: 2746 

     The next day you had different classes. The days were different depending on the day of the week. Mondays were Divination, Transfiguration, DADA, and Herbolgy. On Tuesdays (Today) you had, double potions, a History of magic, and ancient runes. Wednesdays 

"Got me for Potions today," George said taking a seat beside you in the great hall. You woke up extra early that day so you decided to head to breakfast early.

"Oooh fun, what else do you have today?" You said taking a bite of your toast.

"Let's see." George said taking out his already crumbled timetable and reading it. "double Potions, Astronomy, and herbology."

"Boring we only have one class together. I have a history of magic and ancient runes after potions, hopefully someone I know shows up."

Fred, Lee, Alicia, and Angie all walked in together and took a seat with you and George. "Good morning everybody." Lee busted. Lee was a morning person and though it was great for him nobody else seemed to enjoy it. He was a little too cheerful in the morning.

"Good morning Lee." You said giving him a lazy smile. 

"Why so glum y/n, it's a new year new classes." Lee beamed sitting down opposite you.

"Ew Lee your starting to sound like Percy." Fred chimed in.

"hey y/n." the voice came from behind you. Harry was standing there Ron and Hermione taking a seat down the table from you.

"Hey Harry, what's up." You asked, Harry and you had made plans to talk after classes, it just made it easier so you weren't looking for each other in the middle of the busy school days.

"Do you have potions today?" You gave him a confused look. 

"Ugh yeah, I do, why?" he gave you a sympathetic look before speaking up again. 

"Just be careful, Snape is a nasty teacher. I just wanted to let you know I forgot to tell you last night."

"I'll watch out for him thank you, Harry, have a good day ok."

"OK, Bye Mari." You smiled as he ran to sit down with his friends. Back at your aunt and uncles Harry never made any friends, there were a few kids who would talk to him during class but most of the kids picked on him for his scar.

"Mari?" Angie questioned. "Why did Harry call you Mari."

"Oh um, it's a nickname he made out of my middle name." You said simply, your middle name was Maria, when Harry was younger he couldn't pronounce it very well so instead he would say, Mari. As you both got older it just kind of stuck.

"What is your middle name? Wait let me guess it's Marie?" George turned his whole body to you and guessed. 

"No Georgie, oh, and look at the time I guess you'll never know we have class. Bye, guys see you at lunch."

      The potions class was cold and dark, it was in the dungeons of the school, and the only source of heat in the room was the fire that lit the cauldrons and kept the liquid boiling. Snape was going over basic things that you would have learned as a first year, you made sure to write everything down not wanting to miss anything that may help you catch up.

"For your first potions assignment this year you will be learning how to make Wiggenwield potion. Can anyone tell me what this potion does? Mr. Riddle?"

"Wiggenwield is a potion that helps heal wounds, it can't heal diseases but small cuts and bruises, great for after Quidditch matches." the boy was good looking you weren't gonna lie. He had a scar across the bridge of his nose. George had told you he lived with Malfoy his father died when he was three during the wizarding war, his father was supposedly a very dangerous death eater or something of the sort.

Too Little, Too Late George WeasleyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя