♯ mysterious guy

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「 21:12 — YOUR APARTMENT 」

you set down the plates of
food you made for yourself including
your roommates on your chabudai.

a soft sigh releases from your lips
as you made your way down to yachi's
room and lightly knocked on the door.

yachi hitoka
"come in!"

you opened the door and leaned
against the door frame. yachi looked
up from her designs that she was working
on from her laptop and smiled
brightly once seeing you.

yachi hitoka
"what's up?"

"i made dinner."

you smiled, stuffing your hands
in the pockets of your sweatpants.

yachi hitoka
"what is it?"

yachi hitoka
"it smells good!"


"it's curry."

her face grimaced and you
laughed knowing the specific type
of curry that she liked.

yachi hitoka
"what type of curry?"

yachi hitoka
"because you know i—"

"yes, yes, i remember, toka."

"it's katsu curry."

yachi hitoka

yachi hitoka
"i'll be out soon!"

you nodded with a small
smile and made your next
stop to hinata's door.


your fist hit on the door, almost
making a banging sound.

"are you still getting
dressed?! or—"

the door swung open revealing
hinata in just his boxers and putting
on a shirt. you groaned, flicking
him in the forehead.

hinata shoyo
"jeez! ow! what the
heck was that for?!"

"your pants, idiot!"

"i wouldn't have cared if
you didn't wear a shirt,
but wear some pants!"

hinata shoyo
"i was going to! but you
knocked on the door!"

"i was literally asking
you if you were still
getting dressed!"

hinata shoyo
"that— ok, that doesn't matter!"

hinata shoyo
"what do you want?"

he huffs, leaving you by the
door to go into his closet and find
some pants to wear.

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