♯ my competition

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「 13:12 — CAMPUS . DINING HALL 」

miya osamu
"can you stop walkin' so fast?"

miya osamu
"i can't keep up with ya, babe."

"i'm walking how i usually

"you're just dragging your
feet like rin."

osamu sighed, gently placing a hand
behind kimiko's back as he pushed her down on
the seat. osamu sat on the other side of her
and adjusted his mask.

kimiko sighed, doing the
same as she placed down her food
on the table.

osamu was the first to take a bite of
his own food and kimiko rolled her eyes at how
easily her boyfriend stuffed his cheeks.
although she found it rather revolting, she also found
it making her heart tighten.

it was sickening how much she loved him.

osamu swallowed down bits
of his food, his cheeks still full as he
began to talk.

miya osamu
"i forgot to ask ya 'bout
it, but suna told me y'know
'bout the problem he's havin'
with this girl from his class."


her eyes lit up and she nodded.

"yeah! he said she eats like
a horse and now they've been
going in this everyday back
and forth banter."

miya osamu
"apparently he got 'er fired."

kimiko raised a brow in surprise.


osamu hummed, reaching for her drink.

miya osamu
"what'd ya get?"


"wait, how did he get her fired?"

she watched her boyfriend take a
sip of her soda through the straw and sigh in
satisfaction from the taste.

miya osamu
"uh, 'tsumu told me some
story 'bout her workin' at
ihop and she was givin' out

kimiko gasped.

"she gave out discounts?"

miya osamu
"yeah! and i was wonderin'
how suna could let that go
to waste?"

miya osamu
"anyways, she just didn't
give one to suna so he got
upset and claimed that he
would write a complaint
'bout 'er."

kimiko listened intently while
eating her food.

miya osamu
"next day, she got fired
and called up suna and
started yellin' at him. it
was good thing i was there
for that at least."

kimiko pouted.

"aw, man."

"i literally haven't been
around for anything."

"well, except for their first
encounter plus i indirectly
met her."

miya osamu
"when was that?"

"mm, couple days ago i think?"

"me and rin went to the gas station
that day and we all hung out."

miya osamu
"ohh, is she cool?"

miya osamu
"i stuck up for her against
rin, so i'm hopin' for that
at least."

she laughed, shaking her head.

"you absolutely suck."

"yeah, i mean, i haven't talked
to her, but she's pretty."

"i even told tetsu, keiji
and rin that i would eat
her out if she asked."

miya osamu
"woaaahhh, now."

osamu chuckles.

miya osamu
"yer tellin' me i stuck
up for her and now she's
my competition?"

she rolled her eyes, grabbing
osamu's hand and kissing the
back of it.

"unfortunately, i'm in love
with you so i don't think it'd
be a competition."

miya osamu
"what's so unfortunate 'bout that?"

he smirked, copying his
girlfriends actions.

"oh, nothingggg."

miya osamu
"anyway, the other
day suna apologized
and now he's helpin'
her look for job."

"me, keiji and tetsu should
probably apologize to her too.

"i know we didn't say
anything, but we're friends
with suna and i feel bad."

miya osamu
"aw, look at you."

osamu cooed with a grin
on his face.

miya osamu
"bein' all noble and
such, that's cute, bubs."

kimiko scrunched her
face, clearly displeased with
osamu's words.

"i hate you so much."

osamu peered his eyes up at his
girlfriend, taking another sip of her
sprite. he chuckles, shaking
his head.

miya osamu
"no ya don't."

kimiko bit on her bottom lip
to hide her smile and cupped her
heated cheeks out of shyness.

"no... i don't."

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