epilogue ( odd behavior )

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*if it's not obvious... this is like a year or two after graduating from college okay? and no, you're not getting married LMFAOOO U WISH. okay, bye.


「 18:15 — WEDDING VENUE 」

you and suna broke up and it was
definitely hard to take in. you guys just
didn't match as a couple and it created
a space between everyone in the

the only time you got to see him
was in the classes you shared.

what was more disheartening
was seeing him talk to keiko
as if nothing had happened.

although you had broken up, you
still shared a piece of empathy for
him and cared, but it seemed like that
meant nothing to him as he was
quick to move on.

out of spite, you began to talk
to terushima. he was cute and getting
to know him wasn't that bad of a process.
he was actually pretty funny and you
would have definitely liked to take
the next step with him.


anyways back to the REAL story

"here, miko."

you sigh, kneeling down to help put
on her shoes.

she lifted up her wedding dress and
slipped them on, nearly having to use you
as balance for support.

you stood back up, smiling as
you viewed how the material
looked on her.

"you look beautiful."

saito kimiko
"i do?"

she turned to look in the mirror
wanting to see what you saw.

saito kimiko
"i'm fucking nervous."

she huffed.

saito kimiko
"my hands are fucking sweaty
and it's gross."

saito kimiko
"what if samu doesn't like the dress?"

saito kimiko
"did i mention my hands are
sweaty? feel them."

kimiko rambles, more nervous
than you expected as she reached her
hands out for you to feel them.

you laughed feeling that her hands
were indeed clammy.

"calm down."

"you know he loves everything
you wear."

kimiko took a deep breath
and nodded, rubbing her hands
down her dress.

saito kimiko
"this is crazy... i'm getting
married today."

you smiled thinking of the rare
possibility of you ever getting
married to suna.

the chances seemed slim
as he didn't seem like the type of guy
to to out of his way to do a grand

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