♯ shits and giggles

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you were happily laughing away with
shouyou and lani, but it quickly dropped
seeing the boy you despised the most
in this world.

"what the actual fuck?"

a sour expression shaped your
face as you looked back over at
shouyou and lani.

they knew he worked here,
yet didn't say anything and found it
as their duty to hire you in the
same facility as the boy you've been
complaining about.

shouyou shrugged with a sheepish
smile while as you expected, lani laughing
to herself behind him.

as you began to feel your life
slowly drain out of you with every second
you stood here, you gazed around
the room seeing the familiar blonde haired male
and another girl beside him recording the
situation and laughing.

it was at suna's reaction rather
than yours, but right now you and suna
were equally frustrated with the
current situation.

suna rintarou
"so is she actually working
here or did you fuck with her?"

atsumu scoffed, a smile
from his laughing still on his face.

miya atsumu
"why do ya sound like
ya actually give a fuck
'bout where she works

miya atsumu
"coulda sworn you said you
weren't really plannin' on
helpin' her in the first place."

you rolled your eyes.

"of course the fucking prick
wasn't going to help me."

suna ignored your comment,
not wanting to get into a discussion
with you.

suna rintarou
"you don't go and fucking
hire someone i clearly don't
like for shits and giggles at
the same place i work at."

"wait, do i not have the job?"

lani shook her head
patting your shoulder.

hayashi lani
"you do, we just like to
fuck with suna."

suna rintarou
"literally fuck you."

suna rintarou
"i would seriously quit right
now if it wasn't going to take
forever to find a different job."

ari calmed down from her
laughter and rolled her eyes at
suna's words.

sakai ari
"stop being such a baby."

sakai ari
"it's not like you have to
talk to her, relax."

suna rintarou

you cross your arms.

"you do realize i also hate
him, right?"

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