chapter three pt. 2

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billies pov.

the whole rest of soundcheck was a blur, i barely paid any mind. fin tried to talk to me, but i couldn't. i just had to pull myself together for the show, and that's what i did.

until 'i love you.'

i broke down immediately, i couldn't help it. i didn't even realize i said her name until fan accounts started posting about it.

and i may or may not have made it worse by walking out with her picture..

now it's everywhere.

they all know ava.

my ava.

even if she isn't technically mine anymore, she always will be.

after my performance, sabrina ended things. which i mean i expected, it just happened so fast. she called me screaming, said we were done, and blocked me on everything.

so after all that shit going down, i decided to cancel my last show and just fly home. i just
got home, and tomorrow i'm going over to see adryana and marina when ava is gone, some
wedding cake shit.

i genuinely couldn't see her, it would destroy me. as stupid as it sounds, i never thought she'd be with anyone else. in some weird way, i just think of her always being mine. and i don't have it in me to see her there with kennedy. i'd want to kill her. toxic? shit probably, but i don't care.

i've changed my actions, but my mind hasn't changed. i just can control myself now.

as much as this has killed me, i have no idea what to do. whether ava likes it or not, i'm not signing shit to have me taken off of ailas certificate. ava wanted me on it for a reason, and i want to be there. so i'm telling adryana that so she'll let ava know.


it's the next morning, and fin is shaking me like crazy.

"fuck bro." i mumbled, hiding my face under a pillow.

he smacks my ass hard, and laughs. "get up billie, we need to go to adryanas early before ava gets back to figure this shit out." he says, before walking out.

i get up, and head to the shower. after i'm done, i quickly get ready and see finneas already in the car, of course. always so damn early.

i get into the car, and he begins to drive. i start to get anxious, i know ava isn't gonna be there, but i still haven't seen even adryana or marina in a while. and plus this is ava's home too. even if she's not there, she's everywhere. her smell, her things, all of it.

finneas taps the top of my hand. "it's going to be fine bil. it'll be fine." he whispered, he could tell i was just worked up.

after 10 more minutes of him driving, and me contemplating my life, we pull up to an apartment.

he pulls to the side, and i recognize adryana and marinas car, but there's a third i don't recognize. maybe a neighbor or something.

we walk up to the door, and i take a deep breath. finneas opens the door, and adryana was at the table with marina.

they look up at me, both of their faces white.

adryana runs up to me and hugs me, "i missed you, but be quiet. kennedy and ava are here, they're arguing." she whispered.

my whole body stiffens, and adryana gives me a look. "shh."

i didn't want to see either of them, or hear
them fight. at all.

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