¹⁰⁰: party / juric

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the loud music was ringing in eric's ears. it wasn't good music either, someone passed the aux to kevin so he started playing beyonce songs while dancing like crazy. an amusing sight.

however, eric felt a bit uneasy, leaning against the wall of the living room almost everyone was in. only sangyeon and hyunjae seemed to be missing still, but that was none of his business, really.

with a cup filled with strong liquor in his hand, he stood there, doing absolutely nothing to pass the time. eric had no idea what to do, as he observed the mess of a crowd in front of him, either trying to stop kevin or dancing along with him.

he gazed at everyone in the room.

there was changmin sitting on the couch, getting forced to drink by hyunjoon.

younghoon sitting by a window lighting up a cigarrete while quickly glancing at his phone, next to jacob who sat there silently.

haknyeon laughing on the floor after seeing kevin teach him how to twerk. not to mention chanhee and sunwoo judging the fuck out of the duo.

until he connected eyes with juyeon, who apparently seemed to be staring at eric for a while now. eric pointed towards the door to the terrace leading to the backyard while mouthing juyeon to come with him.

the older jumped up from the couch with a cup in his hand, following eric, who already opened the glass door and exited to the backyard.

once he was outside, eric took a deep breath. it felt good to let a breeze of air clear out the smell of alcohol and people from his nose. it had fogged up his mind, but sitting down on cold rough steps made of stone and enjoying the night sky helped a lot.

juyeon walked up to where eric sat and let himself down on the stairs as well. "aren't you enjoying it?" he asked before taking a sip of his beverage and placing the cup down next to him.

eric mirrored his actions, gulping down his halfway empty cup of liquid, before putting it down next to juyeon's, one for all. the sudden burning in his throat let the boy get a giddy feeling in his belly, it was almost exciting. "i am."

honestly their small arranged party was a lot of fun. it was the first time that the entire chat met up at once, so everybody went ham, obviously, yet eric couldn't help but feel very overwhelmed by the pure chaos everywhere. usually he came off as a very loud individual, but only over texting, not in person.

so eric was kind of glad to have this one moment to let his mind ease. alongside juyeon, who leaned back, supporting himself with his hands behind him and looking up at the sky.

eric couldn't help but to keep his eyes on juyeon's silhouette for a bit. his hair was kind of sticking on his forehead from the sweat caused by the heat from inside the house. his sideprofile was gorgeous, eric had to admit it. his sharp jawline looked so attractive as he stared up to the stars.

"i'm having a lot of fun, actually." juyeon didn't move a single bit after the words left eric's mouth. the younger imitated what juyeon did, head up, getting lost in what the night sky had to offer.

it was a starry night. almost magical seeing so many stars sparkle at once. eric couldn't resist letting his eyes wander towards juyeon once again. he had a smile plastered accross his face.

"while you're able to stare at a beautiful sky like this, you're wasting it staring at me? come on now." juyeon said, exaggerating his words before he stood up, dusting his pants off with one hand and reaching towards his friend with the other. "oh shut the fuck up juyeon."

after he pulled eric up, he didn't let go of his hand and moved down the stairs towards sangyeon's backyard. "aw, is small baby eric too shy to admit he's the romantic type?"

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 ; the boyz ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu