¹⁹⁰: discussion

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squid squad

2 members are active

ice bear


we need to talk

ice bear

ice bear
what did younghoon tell you?

he told me to make a choice

ice bear
yeah same

ice bear
and fuck him for that

ice bear
why does he put so much pressure on us?? as if this is something one can decide over night

dont curse him out

ice bear
why not? after all, hes really annoying and impatient

chanhee, this has been going on for ages now

to be fair, we really had a lot of time to actually think about it. we both knew he liked us two, we were simply in denial and that is our own fault

ice bear
if i was able to, i would just disappear instead of picking

i feel you

ice bear
i dont wanna lose younghoon, but i doubt this is gonna work out

you got a point

whats your answer though? i mean, you cant just not make a choice and leave

ice bear
i care about younghoon a lot

me too

ice bear
but i really dont know about this

ice bear
younghoon seems so selfish

no he does not

ice bear
yes he does, he isnt considering our feelings at all and only acts for himself by doing this

what else is he supposed to do if he likes two people at the same time who dislike each other but like him both?

i think what younghoon is doing is just desperately pushing answers out of us so he can finally settle

ice bear
oh so we dont need to settle or..??

it must be stressful liking two people who arent up for what he is up for

so i understand his point of view and personally think that he has every right to get an answer out of us

ice bear
its not enough time to think about something like this though

ice bear
this isnt "which color do u want ur iphone to be?" this is something very challenging to deal with

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