¹³⁴: leave us alone / +

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squid squad

2 members are active

hi, whos there? ^w^

ice bear

oh, you

i dont like talking to you

ice bear
then dont

just wanted to make you aware of it

ice bear
the feeling is mutual

makes me glad to hear

ice bear
also i think its kinda funny how quick you seem to switch up whenever its me

also i think its kinda funny how you tag younghoon in every picture on your personal instagram

ice bear
got a problem with it?

i just said its funny

ice bear
i dont see any cons to it, if it clearly fulfills its purpose

youre making it pretty obvious that you just want his attention

ice bear

you dont get it any other way? do you really have to tag him for him to interact with you? does that even equal to him wanting to message you on his own

ice bear
why dont you mind your own business

ice bear
i dont know why youre so passive aggressive today

ice bear
what would younghoon say if he saw this

nothing, because he wouldnt see it in the first place

ice bear
you know i can just send him screenshots

yeah, but you wouldnt

i know you

not to mention i wouldnt hesitate to show him your true colors as well

ice bear
my true colors? oh please

ice bear
hes well aware i am a bitch. so what?

you know very well that i can just victimize myself and make it seem like you bully me or something

ice bear
yeah because youre that far up younghoons ass

ice bear
and you made fun of me for tagging him in my instagram posts..?

i just know how to play my cards well

doesnt change the fact youre still embarrassing yourself

ice bear
theres nothing embarrassing about that

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 ; the boyz ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant