¹⁸⁸: yes or no

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squid squad

2 members are active

ice bear
i know

you know why i asked for you to come online?

ice bear
yes i know


ice bear
younghoon, this isnt easy for you and neither is it for me

i do have strong feelings for you

but the same goes for changmin

ice bear
i know

ice bear
and both changmin and i dont get along because of that

i know

its kind of my fault for being indecisive

ice bear
no this isnt your fault, you cant control who you love and who you dont love

yes but i couldve avoided all this drama if i made a choice early on

ice bear
its still not your mistake

ice bear
but it does put me and changmin into a difficult situation

if you could just see past the rivalry..?

ice bear
younghoon its not that easy

ice bear
we have been in this chatroom for like a year soon and hate each other almost since day one

yes, but the reasoning is so stupid

ice bear
i know, but feelings are feelings

ice bear
just because its stupid doesnt mean ill dislike him any less

ice bear
to be fair, my dislike for changmin definitely toned down recently

ice bear
seeing him so vulnerable and all... yeah

but that isnt important

well, it is but thats not the topic i wanna talk about

i want to confront you directly:

what do you feel like about me liking both of you? more importantly, how will your behaviour change?

ice bear

ice bear
giving you an answer right now isnt easy

you have to

ice bear
of course im happy that you reciprocate my feelings, but i dont feel so great about the fact that i am not the only one for you

ice bear
someone told me to not lead you on with my act and tell you directly that no, i do not really want to engage romantically with both you and changmin

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 ; the boyz ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat