Chapter 1:Sokka

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Sokka was dreaming about her again. Her white hair and crystal blue eyes, sparkling like diamonds. Every night it was the same. She would approach him with a question. 

Sokka, will you help me with my chemistry homework?

Sokka, can you be my partner for the group project?

Sokka, come to this family gala, I need to bring a date

Sokka, I need help dyeing my hair

In every dream, he tried to refuse, tried to prevent all the pain and longing and loss, but it was fruitless. And he always accepted...

"SOKKA. WAKE. UP!" His eyes fluttered open, and he saw his sister in the doorway of his room, looking at him condescendingly. 

"What time is it?" he stammered. 

"Time to wake up. Get dressed, it's the first day of school."

Right, Sokka thought as Katara spun on her heel and left the room, first day of senior year. Their grandmother was serving eggs and bacon when he walked down the stairs. 

"I'm actually thinking of going vegetarian," Katara said as she turned down the bacon, "Sokka, maybe you could do it with me."

"Absolutely not," Sokka said, stuffing a slice into his mouth, "I love meat too much. Besides, you're only doing it because Aang's a vegetarian."

"Well, that's part of it. I just want to do my part to help the environment, you know?"

Brave, selfless, kind Katara. Always doing her part in something. Sokka rolled his eyes. Katara glanced at her phone before abruptly standing up. 

"Aang's waiting for us outside," she said, "Are you coming or not." Sokka shoveled the remainder of his food down his throat, and followed Katara outside. They lived in a row of townhomes on the south side of town. Sitting outside was a grey sedan. 

"Hey sweetie," Aang poked his head out of the window. Katara gave him a peck on the cheek before running around to the passenger seat. They started chattering like birds about student government and their volunteer work at the animal shelter. Sokka settled in for the excruciating two minute ride that was ahead of him. It wasn't that he didn't like Aang. In fact, it was impossible not to like him. He radiated fun and optimism. He managed to diffuse every tense situation that was thrown at him, and Sokka begrudgingly admitted that he and Katara were perfect for each other. Maybe that was it. Seeing their relationship reminded him of one he wanted to forget. 

"We should stop by the library before first period," Katara said as Aang parked in front of Four Elements High School, "We can see if they have the new Kyoshi series in stock." Aang agreed, and the two lovebirds took their chatter somewhere else. Sokka took a look at his schedule and saw that he had gym next, which he was fine with. He was good at two things, sports, and engineering, and he didn't want to think of last years failings with the latter. 

"We'll be playing soccer outside today," said Coach Bumi, once Sokka made it to the gym. He was a little late. His locker wouldn't open, and it took forever to find someone with a key, "Before we go onto the field, let's pick teams. Who wants to be our team captain." Sokka raised his hand, so did a boy named Haru, and a girl with auburn hair whom he hadn't seen before. 

"Let's do Sokka and Suki. Suki, since you're new to the school, you can go first. I have an attendance list if you need names." 

"Thanks," the auburn haired girl, Suki, radiated confidence as she stood up and walked to the front of the room. Sokka followed. Suki looked at the group for a moment, before saying, "Toph." Toph looked surprised, but the shock was replaced with a smirk as she joined Suki. 

"You're going down, Snoozles," she mouthed. 

How had she known? Sokka always chose Toph, for her athleticism and heightened awareness of what was around her. But Toph was blind, and many people underestimated her. Sokka shook the thought away. 

"Ty Lee," the acrobat did a cartwheel and stood beside him. Suki shot him a glare. 

"Mai," she said. This was another surprise. Mai was pale, quiet and withdrawn, but her aim was always perfect. Suki grinned at him, and Sokka immediately looked away. He picked Haru next. This continued until everyone was on a team, and they all walked outside.


"You seem mad."

"I'm not mad."

"You're quite the competitive one aren't you?"

"I'm not angry," Sokka shot back, "Just annoyed. I always win."

"You're going to have to get used to losing, then," Suki said with an infectious smile. Sokka scowled and stalked to his next class.

"You seem more sulky than usual," Aang chirped like a bird on a windowsill as Sokka slumped into his seat in math.

"Why can't you be more like Zuko," Sokka sighed, "Don't ask questions, just glower and give the occasional retort."

"That sounds boring," Aang replied. Sokka didn't answer, as Mr. Pakku began explaining the curriculum. He liked math, and his spirits lifted as he worked through the precalc problems. He was feeling even better as he explained some of the concepts to Aang, leaving behind Suki's auburn hair and PE soccer strategies. 

"Your explanation is more confusing than the textbook," Aang muttered. 

"You know what? I'm going to take that as a compliment," Sokka said happily. 

Unfortunately, his next class was science. He just wanted to disappear as he walked inside Mr. Piandao's classroom. He could still remember his words from last year. 

You've ruined your future. Sokka slipped past the rows of desks until he found one in the back corner. 

"I'm flattered that you want to sit next to me," Sokka spun around and saw Suki sitting to the left of him. He hadn't even noticed her. 

"Well, there... aren't any seats left." Suki narrowed her eyes. There were plenty of seats left. Piandao started with a practice quiz, to see what they already knew from years prior. Sokka averted his eyes as he took the packet of material. While the rest of the class was prattling away, he worked in silence. The only other person who wasn't talking was Suki. She was staring at the packet in deep concentration, her brow was permanently furrowed. Sokka found himself glancing at her from time to time. 

"I'm not good at science," she said when she caught him during one of these glances.

"It's okay," Sokka replied, unsure of what else to say, "I'm not good at history."

"Are you finished already?" she asked, seeing his completed packet. Sokka nodded. 

"Do you tutor?" the question came out of nowhere. 

"I- I'm sure there are other people who could-"

"That wasn't the question."

"I did last year," Sokka said, but last year was a very different time. Suki sighed. 

"My grades haven't been great in the past, I don't want that to happen this year. I can pay 15 bucks an hour. Will you help me?" Sokka froze. It sounded so much like the last time. A different question, and a different context, but still, Suki's blue eyes reminded him so much of hers. He took a deep breath, and reminded himself. 

This girl isn't Yue. 

"Sure," he said, "I'm free Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays." 


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