Chapter 17: Sokka

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The sounds of the people in the gallery had suddenly become very quiet, but Sokka didn't notice for a full minute or so. He was staring at the painting. If before his feelings for Suki were uncertain, now they seemed to be as clear as her sky colored eyes. He looked away from the painting and finally noticed how quiet it was. He turned around and saw that the door leading to the rest of the gallery was closed. An accident, Mai must have done it out of habit. Sokka hesitantly walked to open the door again, when Suki said, "Wait. Sokka, I really need to talk to you."

"You do?" Sokka asked, "I mean, sure, of course." Suki stepped away from the paintings. She seemed unsure.

"Look, I really don't want to make things harder for you, with everything that's happening in your life right now." She paused to think. Sokka suddenly felt very nervous. What was she saying? Did she think she was getting in the way of something?

"So I guess I should just spit it out," Suki said, when Sokka didn't respond.

"Wait!" he said abruptly, "I... need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." He darted out of the door, shut it, and stopped. No, no no, was he sending the wrong signals? Was he somehow making Suki think that he didn't want her as a friend, or more than that. 

"Suki, I want us to be friends!" he announced, walking back inside. Suki stared at him, "There was no need it say all of that... that stuff, I am fully appreciative of our friendship, and I would like to continue it! " Suki stared at him some more, a look of shock on her face. 

"I didn't even say- how did you guess? Just- whatever," she sighed, "I'm sorry I made things awkward, I guess we should better go." She said it so gently, but Sokka could tell she was holding something back. He was holding something back too.

"I need to just say this out loud," he said as Suki got ready to leave. She looked at him.

"Yeah... sure," she said, "Knock yourself out."

"So... You have helped me so much, over these past few months and I am just so glad that you are in my life, but-"

"I get it," Suki said, "You don't need to explain yourself, I understand that you don't feel the same way as I do, you just want to stay friends, you made that very clear." Sokka didn't blink for awhile as he started to make sense of things.

"No!" he said, "That is not what I meant at all when I said that I was fully appreciative of our friendship!"

"Then what does that mean other than you... turning me down," Suki said quietly.

"Wait, me? Turning you down?! Were you trying to-"

"Yes!" Suki shouted, "Yes, I was trying to ask you out! Sokka, I like you a lot, and if you feel the same way and, you are ready for a relationship, do you want to go on a date sometime?" She exhaled, and all of the tension left her shoulders and face. 

Sokka felt a rush of pure and organic joy as he said in relief, "I was trying to say the same thing to you, and I'm such an idiot for coming off all wrong, but of course I do, Suki! There is nothing else in the world I'd rather do!" Suki gave him a smile so bright it seemed to illuminate the room. 


"Thanks for coming," Mai said. She had found them shortly after their conversation, letting them know that the gallery was closing. It had gotten colder in the short time that they were inside, "Really, it means a lot."

"No problem," Suki said, "I'll always be here if you need me, remember that." Mai gave her a rare smile, then she and Zuko headed off. Sokka and Suki walked to the car in a stunted silence. Sokka thought that all the awkwardness would be gone by now, but if anything, it was only amplified. 

"So, do you want to go to the fair tomorrow?" he said as they coasted down the hill and towards her neighborhood, "For our date," he added.

"Yeah, that, that sounds good," Suki said, "I can meet you there when it opens."

"Yes! yes, that sounds good- wait, you already said that, sorry." Suki laughed.

"You shouldn't have to act all awkward," she said, "This doesn't change anything- well, it changes a lot of things but..." her voice trailed off as they reached her house. 

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Sokka said. 

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," they sat awkwardly for a second, not sure how to say goodbye. Suki squinted at something, seemed to hesitate, and then pushed back a tiny strand of hair that was hanging in front of Sokka's face. She opened the car door and ran up to her house, pausing to wave to him before going inside.


"How was the art show?" Katara asked, a small smirk on her face as Sokka walked into the kitchen, "I've never thought of you as a creative type."

"It was... very illuminating," Sokka stated, digging around in the fridge for some meat, "I like art now."

"And that was very vague," his sister replied, "Did anything happen with Suki?"

"I'll be upstairs bye," Sokka said quickly, before running to his room. As soon as he shut the door, all of the feelings from the past few hours came back to him. Nervousness, understanding, apprehension, a little bit of panic, and finally that perfect joy. All of it crashing over him like ocean waves. Sokka was still nervous. This was going to be his second relationship, after heartbreak and a terrible loss. Of course, he was always going to be a little sad. He wasn't going to forget and pretend like none of the past years had ever happened. Sokka didn't want that at all. After all, that was his way of remembering how special these kinds of feelings could be. Happiness, and fulfillment, and love. 


Thanks For Reading! I hope you enjoyed the most awkward confession ever written!

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