Chapter 12: Suki

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Suki sat with Sokka for almost an hour by the lake. They didn't talk until Sokka's phone started ringing. 

"Hi, Katara," he said. Suki could just barely hear the concern in her voice, "Yeah, I'll be okay. Noodles? That sounds good. I'll be there." He hung up.

"Thank you," he said again, "I... probably owe you an explanation-"

"No," Suki said quickly, "You don't owe me anything." She smiled at him.  He smiled back, but there was sadness in his eyes.

"Katara's worried about me," he said, "So I'd better go." Suki nodded, and watched him leave the lake. She considered staying for a few minutes. It was peaceful there, but there was something about this place, she felt as though she were being intrusive. So Suki started running back towards her house. What a strange morning.


Suki spent the next few days of her winter break at home, arguing with herself about whether or not to call Sokka. After two days, she gave up trying to give him space, and dialed his number.


"Hi," Suki said, suddenly feeling very awkward, "Um, how are you?" She could almost sense his shrug over the phone, "Right, dumb question."

"I'm going to my family's cabin," Sokka said, "It's up in the mountains, and I asked if we could go yesterday."  

"That's good," Suki said, "When will you be back."

"In a few days," Sokka replied, "But, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come with us. It's going to be Katara, Gran Gran, Aang and I." Suki was nothing short of surprised.

"Are you sure I wouldn't be imposing on your family?" she asked, a bit concerned. The reply was immediate.

"Of course not. We'd love to have you." Suki considered this. She wasn't doing anything for the break, and the idea of a secluded mountain cabin was fairly enticing. She also wanted to be there for Sokka. She had had almost no idea of what he was going through, and now she wanted to be there for him. 

"When do you leave?" she asked.

"In two days."

"Great. I'll get everything cleared up with my parents, and hopefully I'll be able to join you." Through the phone, she could visualize Sokka's crooked smile.


Much as Suki had suspected, her parents were fine with her going. They were busy people, always off on this business trip or that, so Suki had learned to be independent. She didn't resent her parents for that. She was fine on her own. 

When Suki arrived at Sokka and Katara's house, Katara immediately embraced her in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're coming," she said, "And thank you so much for helping Sokka." Appa ran up and starting licking her, just as Sokka emerged from the house, and piled the last of the luggage into the car. Katara and Aang climbed into the front, while Suki sat with Sokka in the back, with Gran Gran sandwiched between them. They set off, Appa panting excitedly. The snow built up more and more as they headed into the mountains, Sokka and Suki playing rock paper scissors over and over again. There was something about Sokka, it seemed as though a massive weight had been removed from his shoulders. 

"Sokka," Suki said, glancing at the results from their most recent game, "What is that?"

"It's... a boomerang?" Sokka suggested, with his thumb and index finger forming a C. Suki stared at him for a second, and then laughed. Gran Gran had been sleeping before, and she cracked one eye open, before starting to snore again. 

They got to the cabin in the early afternoon. It looked a little smaller than Suki had expected, with a cheerful looking porch that was now covered in snow. Katara took out a key and unlocked the door. They were greeted by a fresh layer of dust all over the cozy living room. Aang sneezed. Katara sighed.

"It's been a year since we've come here," she said, "I'll get a broom. Why don't you guys get settled." Suki took a small room upstairs by the window. She tried to get most of the dust off of the bed, and then placed her duffel bag on top. Katara had found a broom in the kitchenette, and when the cabin was looking much cleaner. Aang was starting a fire in the old fashioned fire place in the living room, while Sokka was petting Appa, who had situated himself on his lap. 

"Gran Gran's napping," Katara said, bringing out some popcorn to snack on. There was a t.v in the center of the room, but the only movies that they could watch were old ones, in black and white.

"We've had this cabin for awhile," Sokka said, "Honestly though, some of these are really good." They watched a movie where the main couple kissed in the rain before it was cliche. Suki went to bed earlier than she normally did. They had resolved to get a good night's sleep, and then go sledding tomorrow. But Suki couldn't sleep. She just wasn't tired. After tossing and turning in her lumpy bed for awhile, she decided to go downstairs and get a glass of water. She tried to walk down the stairs quietly, but they still creaked a considerable amount. Suki had also forgotten that Sokka was sleeping on the couch. 


"Sorry," Suki whispered, "Did I wake you up?" Sokka shook his head.

"I couldn't sleep. I made some hot chocolate, do you want some?" Suki nodded, and sat in the armchair across from the couch. Sokka left, returning with a mug of hot chocolate and a bag of marshmallows. She smiled. Suki loved marshmallows in hot chocolate. She told him this, and he threw a marshmallow at her.

"I don't know anyone who doesn't like marshmallows in hot chocolate," he said. 

"Azula doesn't," Suki replied, "She thinks they're beneath her."

"Azula thinks everything is beneath her," Sokka rolled his eyes. She laughed.

"That's fair." They talked for a few more minutes, the fire slowly dying, until eventually Sokka started snoring. Suki felt tired too, and soon she fell into a gentle slumber.


Thanks for Reading! Sorry for the late update. I was busy for the past couple of days. 

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