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Y/n sighed, looking up at the Stars from her new camp site. It was hard living this way. Every day was a fight for survival, constantly being attacked by monsters every left and right.

Some Demi-gods were lucky, they had made it to one of the camps or had found themselves a small group of friends to fight with.

Y/n, wasn't so lucky. Most of the people she was friends with had died or hated her once they found out who her godly parent was.

Y/n's only true friend, Dvalin, a boy who's mother was drunk when she named him, and named him after Stormterror from Genshin Impact, had died last month because of a gang of Harpies.

He was all Y/n had, the shunned boy of Phobos, the son of the god of fear, was all she had.

She loved him so much, he was like her older brother, he'd cook and take care of her. He'd make her laugh when she was scared, and he always helped her through her nightmares even when he was unwell.

Y/n's hand immediately shot up to the sky, a small tear running down her face.

She shook her head, and drifted off to sleep.


"Carefully, carefully..." A new voice appeared in the darkness.

"Lift her into the van, Annabeth!"

"No way, this is stupid. If She's as crazy as Hedge said, she'll have your head before we even bring her back to camp," The girl, 'Annabeth' replied.

Y/n gripped her gladius, it still hung to her belt loop, as trusty as always.

She smiled in her false sleep, and grabbed the wrist of the supposed boy who was carrying her.....

And she snapped it.

"Ahhhh!" He hissed dropping Y/n to the ground, "Gods that hurt!"

"Who are you, and what in the name of Hades do you want with me?!" Y/n growled her small gladius held infront of her.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down girly," a tanned boy with curly brown hair emerged from the bushes beside the group, "No need to be hostile."

(Leo would call Y/n, girly. Change my fucking mind. Oh wait... You can't.)

The boy's presence was surprisingly calming, even though he was flirtatious.

"I won't put it down, but I won't kill you.. not yet anyway. What the hell do you losers want?" Y/n glared at the boy with jet black hair, assuming he was the one who was trying to throw her in the back of the van.

"First of all, we aren't losers, we saved the world from Gaea, freed the statue of Athena from a giant spider, and travelled across the ancient lands with a partially demolished ship for majority of the trip, you calling us losers? I think the fuck not," The boy sassed.

Y/n rolled her eyes, "oh, so that was you? Personally, I don't really care. Gaea taking over the world wouldn't have really affected me anyway I tended to stay off the ground as much as possible, besides there is much better demigod blood to spill."

Annabeth patted Y/n's shoulder, "Really sorry about these two idiots. Let's get you back to Camp Half-Blood, then you can get cleaned up and you can get claimed. How does that sound?"


"It's when your godly parent basically 'claims' you as their kid, ya'know. Hence the name, Claimed," the still unnamed boy replies.

"Uhhh, what was your name again?" Y/n asked, "And yours too?"

She pointed to Leo.

"My name is Leo Valdez, and this is The Percy Jackson! Shocker, I know. You broke the guy's wrist, terrible first impression on the boy who saved the world so many times no one can't count them all, am I right?"

Y/n immediately sheathed her gladius (hung it to her belt loop), Percy Jackson.... that name, the name of her Father's Half brother, a son of Poseidon.

Y/n bowed, obviously inflating Percy's minimized ego.

"I apologize, son of Poseidon for my disrespect towards you. I hold the utmost admiration for your father and any of his children."

Percy puffed out his chest, "Of course, your lack of knowledge is forgiven."

He grinned, acting high and mighty.

Leo huffed in the background while Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Just get in the van! Grover! Your driving!"

The van roared to life, Y/n climbing in the back with Leo, who sipped on some coffee and Percy and Annabeth snuggling up to each other in the corner.

Y/n just looked out the front of the car to give them privacy.

"So, what's your name, Ms. Scary Warrior lady?" The saytr named Grover asked.

"It's Y/n, Y/n L/n, daughter of- Daughter of Harper L/n. She used to be a fashion designer who lived in Arizona. You may of heard of her, maybe not."

Y/n gripped onto her Pegasus Drachma necklace.

"Oh, so you were a rich girl growing up?"

"Not for long... she was killed by a Cyclops when I was little. I've been on the run ever since, made a few friends here and there. Some of them died, some tried blending in then died, and some were brutally murdered by a group of Harpies that I want to destroy with my entire being. The usual demigod stuff."

"That's.... really sad, I'll keep it in mind never to make you angry," Grover mumbled quietly.

Y/n snorted, "Please, I bet you could barely hurt a fly. There's no way you could make me angry."

"Believe what you want to girly, Grover can kick ass." Leo commented from behind her.

Percy and Annabeth too busy cuddling to notice.

The other three deadpanned with a simultaneous, "ew."

The trip to this so called 'Camp Half-blood' was going to be a long one...

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