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Y/n's face twisted into a small scowl, she stared at Jason as he silently at his dinner.

She knew he had the necklace, she knew he had no intention of giving it back, and she knew that he was going to visit the stables today after she left.

The wind always told her Jason's whereabouts. When she spoke to the water it told her of his presence, it was like he was stalking her and the entire world knew about it.

Were they laughing? Was this Hera or Maybe Zeus' way of saying all eyes are on Y/n?

Was this a threat? Were they saying Jason would be on her tail looking for a slip up from Y/n?

Her eyes widened at the possibilities, she made a B-line to the pier and as soon as she reached it she dived.

"Y/n?!" Percy called for her. He'd ran after her figure as soon as she left the pavilion.

"Y/n?" He dived in after her.

"I don't know what to do... it's like all of them are watching me and that little Bitch Grace is making it worse Grandpa!"

"Everything will be alright my dear, come come."  The familar voice of Poseidon rang through Percy's ears as he swam forward to get a closer look.

There, through the waters in the vortex he could see Y/n hugging his father and Poseidon was comforting her like she was his daughter.

Percy was slightly jealous, but he maintained a level head for once in his life.

He swam back to the shore and returned to his now shared cabin.

His heart aches in pain for Y/n, but what exactly was going on between her and his dad, because that didn't look like regular disciple interactions...

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