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Y/n internally squealed at the sight of all the Pegasi in the stables.

She smiled at all of them, "Uh, David...."

"Yeah, Yeah, I'll leave no problem! Um, You wanna sit together at dinner?"

"Yeah, sure! I'd like that a lot, I'll see you in a bit then?" Y/n waved.

"Yeah, see ya in a bit," David skipped away in a hurry.

Y/n's gaze returned to the Pegasi. Her neck elongated and stood crooked, her arms had grown fur, her fingers replaced by hooves.

Wings poked from her old torn t-shirt, her legs turning into the hind legs of a horse, she had turned into a beautiful white mare.

Wings poked from her old torn t-shirt, her legs turning into the hind legs of a horse, she had turned into a beautiful white mare

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The Pegasus drachma still laid in it's usual place as Y/n stomped her feet to get the attention of the other Pegasi.

"Wasn't she just a girl?" A brown stallion asked confusedly.

"Perhaps the wench is fucking cursed you damned idiot," A very angry European voice chimed in.

"Calm down brothers... sisters. My name is Y/n and uh, we kinda have the same dad. So, my fucking dad is Like your fucking dad too but my mom is just like some random human from Arizona he had a huge crush on and then they fell inlove, got married and had me. Then Zeus went bitch mode over Our shared Grandpa Poseidon having a kid even though he's like had a million different kids throughout history and stuff and then he made a new law and stuff, so yeah here we are. This is awkward as hell isn't it?"

The Black stallion, Percy's horse, Neighed in response.

"Nice to meet you Princess, the names Blackjack, at your service. Do you have donuts?"

Y/n smiled, breaking out into laughter.

"I don't, but I'll sneak you a few at dinner, how does that sound?"

"I like you already, Princess."

"Just Y/n, you are technically my brother."

"I guess, anyway about those donuts can they have chocolate on them and be covered in those rainbow sprinkles that are like tiny little beads?"

"Sure, whatever you say. I better get going now, it's almost dinner time. See you later guys!"

Sounds of good-byes from Y/n's fellow Pegasi sounded as she reverted back to her human form.

She made a quick dash towards the pavilion, successfully smashing right into a certain someone.

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