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Dong Hyung waked up and found himself on hospital bed. He heard some soft voices near him,he turned his head towards the door and found a gorgeous boy was talking to the nurse.
He tried to get up, the boy came and helped him.

"How are you now uncle???" the boy asked with a sweet smile.

"Better... I guess......"he replied looking at the boy.

"You just need to take rest for some days and then you'll be perfectly alright" the boy smiled.

Suddenly a group of people rushed into the room. Dong Hyung found his worried family and equally worried Byun family looking at him. But there added one more person, his elder son Namjoon.

"Dad, how you are feeling now...d-do you have any problems, do you want me to shift you to Seoul" Namjoon asked worriedly.

"I am fine Joonie...relax!...."

"Sorry to interrupt....Namjoon hyung...
But...I think he should stay here and take rest instead of moving as he has gone through a surgery yesterday" the boy said.

"Joonie I think he is right...your dad should stay here for some more days" Mrs. Kim said.

"Well who is this young boy???" Dong Hyung pointed at the boy.

"He is my younger son Jungkook" mr. Byun said.

"Dad he is the one who did your surgery and gave you a new life" Jin happily spoke.

"Doctor!.....in this young age!!!"Dong Hyung excitedly asked.

"He is 23. He has finished his study in London and came back here last year" a proud Mrs. Byun said.

Dong Hyung looked at Jungkook with memorized eyes who just gave a soft smile.

Two weeks has passed. Dong Hyung is still in Busan. His family didn't protest as it was the matter of his health which is improving fast, but they didn't know that Dong Hyung had a secret agenda of staying in Busan. He has been observing the young doctor carefully... his behaviors, his reactions, his nature everything..... and the outcome was completely satisfying him.

Kim family was preparing to leave for Seoul when Dong Hyung called everyone in dinning room.

"Well....No wonder I have fallen in love with Busan....so if you don't mind...can i take something with me".

"Any...thing....you can" mr Byun said.

"..............then I'll take Jungkook with me to get him married with my younger son" he announced.

Every one get shocked.

"Mr. Kim wh-what are you saying???"Mr. Byun asked confusingly.

"You heard me right...I want to make Jungkook my younger son in law Mr. Byun" he cleared.

"Younger son in law.....you mean....I mean.......you........what are you saying dad!" Namjoon panicked.

"Easy my boy! Let me ask mr. Byun's thoughts first.......so Mr. Byun are you agree with this marriage" he asked.

"W-we....actually we never thought about it and Jungkook is still young for this.....so..."Mr.Byun said.

"The thing is mr.kim, our kookie is a very simple and your younger son.....he is a celebrity. They belong to two different worlds, so I don't think this marriage will work"

"Oh! That's even not a problem, we'll be there to help him to adjust and most importantly his brother will be there for him"he pointed at Jin.

"You don't need to worry..Jungkook will live the way he wants to...he'll be there just like our another son...please agree with my proposal" Dong Hyung pleaded.

"He is right....I also love to have a son in law like Jungkook...he is perfect for my son" Mrs.Kim told.

Mr. and Mrs. Byun looked at each other.

"Well Mr. Kim....kookie has a secret...."Mrs.Byun hesitated.

Kim family,without Jin looked at them curiously.

"Jungkook is...not my biological son!" Mr. Byun said.

"Who is he????" Dong Hyung asked.

"He is my sister's son, she abandoned him and went to Paris to marrie a designer" Mr. Byun said.

"He was just six years old when my sister left him in an orphanage, when I got to know about it, I brought him with me" Mr. Byun informed.

"From that day he always been grateful to us. He is very shy,he never demand for anything, even for his study he himself collected the money by working in cafe and never share his pain or sadness....that's why we are worried" Mrs. Byun said.

"I have no problem with his past...and I promise, I'll not let anyone hurt him" Dong Hyung siad.

"But what about your son will he accept this marriage and my Kookie???" Mrs. Byun asked.

"He will....."

"But we have to ask Kookie too.....without his consent....." Mrs. Byun said.

"I'll talk to him personally ...." Dong Hyung said.

Everyone left with confused face, except Jin.

"Dad please think about it again. You know how your son is, you think he'll accept Kookie???" Jin worriedly asked.

"Jin, just relax my boy! Everything will be alright!......and looked at Jungkook, he is soo perfect, after meeting Jungkook, don't you think he'll accept him" Dong Hyung asked.

"I don't know....dad. I just want, Kookie will not get hurt in all these" Jin left.

"...wh..what???... "jungkook get shocked and looked at Dong Hyung.

"Yes my child.... please keep my request.... marry my son" Dong Hyung asked.

"Uncle how can I...... he is.... we are so different...it can't possible...m sorry".

"Please..my boy, don't be hard on uncle.
I promise you will be free to live your life in your way".

"...Uncle please.... I....can't do it......I am really sorry".

"Jungkook... you know how is my health condition....and I am always been worried for him, when I met you I thought my problem will be solved, cause you have all the potentials which he needs, but if you reject him, I don't know how my heart will take this".

"But uncle.....he is a.......celebrity!..... i don't know anything about the world where he belongs......"

"I'll help you to know, Jin will be there"

"But... I-I......how??"

"For uncle's health, please son....."


"Oh my God m soo happy. You don't know son what relif you gave uncle".

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