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"Awesome!!!!" Dong Hyung took the file from Jimin's father hand.

"Satisfied?????" Mr. Park enjoyed his morning tea.

"Almost..... now just the formalities and then......"

"Are you sure.....he'll accept it?????" Dr. Min cut in on his sentence.

"He will" Dong Hyung said firmly.

"And....Park ....thank you....am really lucky to have a lawyer friend like you"
Dong Hyung smiled with satisfaction.

No.... even the cold shower accepted its defeat to reduce the explosive anger from Taehyung's body.

He was standing under cold water for more than one hour, he was thinking about that doctor whom he didn't meet yet.

'Is he somehow guessing their plan....or really that busy??? or maybe he is playing some game'.

"Taebear......come out....." he heard Jin's voice.

He can't refuse that particular person, covering a robe on his wet body he came outside.

"Why didn't you come for lunch???" Jin asked.

"I wasn't hungry" Taehyung picked the hairdryer from the table.

"Here...I brought some soup...have it...." Jin said.

"It's ok....I don't need it" Taehyung replied without looking at him.

Jin stood in front of him.

"You know right......you can share anything with me'' Jin hold his face in his palms.

"........ Tae.....do you really want this marriage?????"

"W-why....why you........asking t-that...?"

"From the time you entered here, you are looking lost and worried.......... is there any problem????"

Tae looked at Jin's worried eyes.....he felt pain....he love this person....from the day Jin came there family, they were sharing a strong bond, Jin always treated him like his own son and for Tae he was his second mother....even Jin was more closer than Namjoon. So for any means he can't hurt him.

"T-there's nothing.....hyung...."

"Tae............Kookie suffered a lot in his childhood ....I can't let him suffer more.....likewise I can't let you get hurt....so ....Tae is there any problem????"

Taehyung hold Jin's both hand. " No...there is no problem....am totally fine....you don't worry" Taehyung replied looking at his worried eyes.

"Then why you are not eating ???" Jin asked.

"Feed me"

Twilight was still alive....but its already eclipse on Taehyung's face. Standing under the beautiful gazebo in Byun's garden...he was waiting for the doctor just as he had been doing for last 24 hours....

Unfortunately he couldn't get a chance to talk to Sarah couse of damn network. He was feeling his plans were going to vain...........

One thing was running into his mind that how he's going to face Sarah.

He closed his eyes as he imagined tears in Sarah's eyes, yeah those beautiful eyes..........

"Beautiful" he heard Jimin whispered beside him.

"Yes....she is.... beautiful" he replied without opening his eyes.

"Have you gone crazy!!!.....it's he not she!!!!" Jimin whispered again.

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