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"Relax Kookie there will be no media...." Jimin climbed down fro staircase.

Jungkook slowly came downstairs tried to erase his worry and found other  idols were waiting. Taehyung helped him to sit inside the limousine.

"Slow speed" he ordered the chauffeur.

Doctor looked at the idol with deep eyes as other took him in his embrace. He could completely read those eyes....honest affection....this was the moment he wishes to witness from the day he became....Kim. He was living every second in idol's arms.

Thousands celebrity's grand entries creating evening.... gorgeous. Beautiful faces expensive costumes shining lights a dream world...but for that cardiologist another reason of increasing heartbeat.  'He is nervous but he has to do it not for him for the person who was standing with him' he looked at Taehyung.

Nathan removed the crowd to welcome his special guests as all were staring Kim Taehyung with his spouse.

"Welcome guys....now I can have a real party.... Thank you soo much Dr. Jungkook for coming.......hope i didn't trouble you"

"No...no absolutely not....tha...thank you for inviting...." he said smoothly.

"Ok....come....and Taehyung....is everything good in villa? I mean is something......" Nathan asked.

"No....they really had a......great time there" Jimin smirked looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook immediately looked down and Jimin received angry look from Yoongi.

"Ok now Taehyung and
Jungkook come we will do a photoshoot for my magazine cover.....please excuse us guys and enjoy yourself..." Nathan requested.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung in worry.

"Just some simple clicks with this costumes....Nathan is the one who sent them" Taehyung said held his hand

As they went in front of camera Jungkook gulped.....

"I'm with you" Taehyung assured.

"Marvelous!!!" Nathan clapped

Taehyung looked at the monitor. Indeed the doctor was looking awesome. This is the first time he forgot to look at own.

"We guys are.....awesome together" he complimened them.

"I'll send you the volume.....now enjoy the party"

They joined the others in party ignoring soo many eyes on them.

"Hey Kook let's dance..." Jimin said excitedly.

"Midget......!!!!"Taehyung gave him a glare.

"Oh sorry....you can't" Jimin smirked and went on the floor.

"....honestly....I don't know much dance" Jungkook replied slowly.

"I'll teach you....." Taehyung tagged some of Jungkook's locks after ears. He handed him some soft drinks. Jungkook was overwhelmed by idol's care and protection. They started enjoying other dance sitting together.

Little did they know someone's evil eyes were on them from the moment they arrived. He threw the glass on trash and murmured "I'll not let you destroy my dreams Jungkook" he stood up and went towards the cauple.

"Hey buddy what's up?"

".....oh you're here too....I didn't notice" Taehyung replied.

"How would you when you have a beautiful person with you"

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