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The moon was lightening Kim's large terrace as usual. But the evening was not usual for the them. The all Kim family except the newest one was sitting on their elegantly decorated terrace neglecting tempting snacks and coffee on table.

''D...ad...I don't think it will happen again. It was a ...mistake. So don't worry'' Namjoon tried to break the silence.

Jin served black coffee to his in laws. DongHyung took the cup, remained silent.

''They have apologized. Now forget it. Also.....he didn't mind at all'' Taehyung said casually but pulled his father's attention.

''But i did'' Dong Hyung stood up from the chair.

''They insulted my son in law and took it as my own insult'' he added furiously making the family worried.


Although it was Friday but Dr. Jungkook hasn't any time to enjoy the weekend. Right know he was busy to arranging his stuffs as he was late. Late for his Hobi Hyung's birthday party. He had to be there at eight pm sharp but it was already nine. He mentally praised himself that he'd brought an outfit with him guessing he can be late. He finished his work and rushed into his washroom with the dress.

Jungkook ran towards the Jung's entrance as he was about to enter the guards stopped him.

''Who are you??" Guards asked.

''...I'm Jungkook....Ki...'' he stopped by guards.

''Jungkook!!!.....we don't know any Jungkook. You can't enter''

It was homely party only family and close friends were invited that's why there was no entry pass. He took out out his phone to call Jin but found it switched off due to lack of battery.

''Excuse me....actually can you please call Hobi Hyung. He knows me'' Jungkook requested.

''Oh really....you know Hoseok sir.....then why don't you call him by yourself.''

''...I can't....my phone is off and.....''

''Typical excuse''

''No no.....it's not excuse and trust me they know me.....ok call Mr. Seokjin. He will.......''.

''Listen Mr. stop lying and leave before we call the police'' guards shouted

''I'm not. You call anyone.....Jung uncle, Hobi Hyung Jimin Hyung, Yoongi Hyung Namjoon Hyung....Mr. and Mrs. Kim. They all know me'' Jungkook panicked.

''Oh....why you left Kim Taehyung. Tell us...he also knows you'' they mocked.

''Yes. He is my......'' Jungkook interrupted by the guards.

''Shut up.....you beggars!!! Low class people....this is not you place....go now '' one of them pushed Jungkook as a result the flower bouquet Jungkook has made for Hobi with his garden's flowers fell on the floor. Tears immediately filled in his eyes. He turned back to returned when he found Dr.Min and his wife who witnessed the last part.

Mr. Jung himself apologised to Jungkook then went to treat his mannerless guards. Guards were continuously apologizing, keeping head low. They were genuinely ashamed. Jungkook forgave them, saying they were doing their duty. Hobi was sorry too, hugged the doctor and welcomed him. Jungkook assured them that he is alright. But Dong Hyung didn't take the incident casually.

♣️Flashback end........♣️

''I have decided something.......where is Jungkook??" Dong Hyung said firmly.

''He is attending his mother's call'' Mrs. Kim replied.

''Well....Jin will informed him later. Namjoon arrange a press conference next week. I want to introduce Jungkook to the whole world''

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