Chapter 17

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The Falcon squawks while Zane and Wu look through binoculars and spot the dark island.

"Hmm, most peculiar. Yesterday there was just ocean, but now there is an island," Zane says.

"The Dark Island, Zane. And what I find more peculiar is after Ninjago City was attacked by the Stone Army, today they have vanished." Wu replies.

"Do you think they are on this Dark Island? Garmadon may be responsible," Zane says.

"I fear that too," Wu says. "But what's most important is we have to find out what is on that island."

"Perhaps my Falcon can have a look," Zane says as the Falcon flies off and the other ninjas work on trying to fix the Bounty.

Jay gets splashed by oil. "Ugh, useless pile of junk."

"Oh, it's worse than I feared," Nya says.

"They destroyed the rotors on the starboard booster. We also shot the port boosters from the strain. It doesn't seem like she's not getting airborne soon," Y/n says.

"So if the Stone Army attacks again, we're sitting ducks," Cole says.

"Uh, ducks can fly, Cole," Jay says. "Weren't you listening?"

"We just got our tails handed to us and we couldn't even stop one of them. Ugh, I hate feeling helpless," Kai groans.

"Sheesh, what a little baby. And I thought I was the youngest sibling," Y/n jokes.

"We mustn't give up hope, Kai," Wu says.

"But the Stone Army is indestructible. You saw it. At best, all me and Y/n's powers could do was slow them down," Lloyd says.

"That's not entirely true. There is a way to defeat them. And it is told within the scrolls," Misako says.

The ninjas, Wu and Misako head inside to see the scroll.

"The prophecy reveals that the power to defeat the Stone Army lies within the Green and Purple Ninja."

"We tried. We gave them everything we had," Lloyd replied.

"Yes, but the two of you are stronger than you think. Look. The true power of the Green and Purple Ninja can only be unlocked when their four protectors find their own pure elemental powers," Misako explains.

"Are we the protectors?" Cole asks.

"Pffft," Jay says. "Silly question. Of course we are. Haha, right?"

"If we are the protectors, then we're doomed," Zane says. "Our elemental Golden Weapons no longer exist. We cannot tap into our elemental powers without them."

"But the powers do exist within each of you," Misako says. "And there is a way to unlock your powers on your own. We must go to the Temple of Light."

"Temple of Light? What's that?" Nya asks.

"The gold in the Golden Weapons was from the Golden Peaks, but they were forged in the Temple of Light, a powerful place I thought only existed in legend."

"It's on the Dark Island?" Wu asks.

"So we have to find it?" Y/n asks.

"I think that's our only choice," Misako says.

"So we get our powers back? All right!" Cole cheers.

"But there's still one big problem," Nya says. "The Bounty can't fly."

"It's a ship, right? Can't it sail?" Nya asks.

"Silly question. Of course it can. Haha, right?"

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