Why Me

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It had been a bit since you and Shoot got together as a couple, the little beatdown you laid on Morel and Knuckle having come and gone as the weeks passed. Soon, most of your hunter friends and many others that you worked with noticed your status as a couple and winked at you cheekily every once in a while, pleased to see that you shot your shot. After all, it was hard not to notice such a thing with you always bouncing excitedly by his side, your hand often holding tightly onto his. You were practically stuck to him like glue, and a common joke went around about how Knuckle had been replaced. He of course wasn't, but it was still funny nonetheless.

On this particular day, a group of your friends were finally able to catch you alone without Shoot, the lot of you gathered in a lounge with cups of coffee in hand. It was supposed to be a little catch up meeting to discuss future plans as hunters, but Knuckle and Shoot were both running late so it turned into a little interrogation session about you: more specifically about your new relationship with Shoot. The circle of hunters were leaned in towards you with eager expressions, dropping question after question.

"So how are things with you and Shoot? I mean, you're so high energy and he's so timid! Not a combo I expected!" One of them asked.

"Ah... I mean, what can I really say? He's just so... charming. I couldn't really help myself." You mumbled shyly, staring into your cup of coffee.

"You're acting so shy right now! You never get flustered _______! Wow, you must really love him~" Another said teasingly.

"Y-you're interrogating me, so no shit I'm flustered!" You argued, trying to give off an intimidating look. "I... I do though. I love him so much..."

The group 'awed' as you continued to speak lovingly about Shoot, your cute little smile never leaving your expression as you spoke. As the conversation went on, one of the late arrivals suddenly showed up. It was Shoot who arrived first, but he didn't enter the room right away. He had heard the laughter coming from within and paused at the doorway, curiously peeking inside to see what was going on. He saw you smiling among the circle of hunters, your laughter practically filling the room. You looked so happy conversing with everyone, and from afar, he even noticed a bit of blush on your cheeks. That was when his insecurities flared up. He was just far away enough that he couldn't hear exactly what was being talked about, so his poor heart simply assumed that you were having a much better time without him. The doubt he thought he had gotten rid of showed its face once again, and he let out a tiny sigh as he turned away from the lounge and walked away, not wanting to butt in and ruin your bout of happiness.

As Shoot was leaving, he passed by Knuckle in the hall who was on his way to the lounge. Knuckle called out to him but got no response, confusing him greatly and had him wondering why his friend was wearing such a sad expression. After pausing for a moment, Knuckle decided the best person to ask what was up would be you, so he carried on into the lounge where you sat peacefully. Upon entering everyone greeted him, and you smiled brightly up at your love's partner.

"Knuckle! Glad to see you made it! Where's Shoot?" You asked, standing up from your seat to offer him a cup of coffee.

"Wait, so he wasn't in here?" Knuckle said, accepting the cup.

"No, he wasn't. Did something happen?" You pondered.

"Well, yeah, I guess. I passed by him in the hall. He was walking away with a rather sad expression, so I thought maybe something happened here?" Knuckle explained.

"Oh no. I don't know what happened but I'm going after him." You said worriedly, chugging the rest of your coffee. "Which hall do I go down?"

"Turn right when you leave here. You'll see him." Knuckle informed you.

Shoot McMahon X Reader ✨ One Shots ✨Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora