I Love All of You

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Sometimes when one sits alone for too long, the volume of their thoughts can become too loud to ignore. Currently Shoot was dealing with thoughts as loud as that,, having fallen into a sour mood due to being home alone for most of the day. He sat on his couch and lay motionless against it, sinking into the fabric as he sat there for god knows how long. There was no work to be done to occupy the time, and he had no plans for the day. Unfortunately, that long amount of time sitting alone is what got him to start thinking about his flaws. It was unprovoked, but the longer he sat there the more he thought about such things. He then let out a disappointed sigh when he took a moment and looked down at his left arm; or at least what he had left of it.

Looking over the stump of a bicep he had left, he felt a little sad. It wasn't often he thought about his lack of arm, but when he did, it was always negative. The disadvantage that came with missing an arm wasn't what really bothered him though, and it was rather the lack of normalcy that hurt him instead. He was plenty strong and skilled already, so that wasn't an issue. The simple things he wished he could do that everyone else could was the real kicker: that simple thing being to hold you.

He hovered one of his nen hands out to sit where his hand normally would if it were attached to flesh, moving it around in sync to mimic his other arm. The gap between his arm and hand of course remained ever prevalent, and he sighed, silently wishing it wasn't this way.

"Hey babe! I'm here and I brought snacks!" Your voice blared out, snapping him out of his daze.

Shoot got quite the startle when you barged in through his front door, not expecting you to have shown up so soon. He did message you to come by for a visit, but neither of you really specified a time, so your sudden appearance was rightfully a little jarring to him. When the initial shock eventually wore off, he sighed, and properly greeted you.

"Hey there sweetie. You really scared the hell outta me, I'll admit." He huffed.

"Sorry~! I figured coming now would be better than later, so here I am!" You laughed, scurrying into his kitchen to set down your bag of snacks. "So, real quick, what were you up to when I walked in? I'm curious!"

He didn't think you had noticed his longing little activity and choked up a bit, not really wanting to ramble on about his insecurities and talk your poor ear off about such a silly thing.

"Ah, it was nothing, really." Shoot insisted.

You were not fooled though. After ensuring that you got everything put away you marched yourself on over to him and stood before where he sat, a sympathetic look in your eyes.

"I saw. You were thinking about what it would be like if you didn't lose your arm, weren't you?" You asked softly.

"I... Yeah. I was." He sighed, knowing that it was impossible to hide anything from you.

"Babe, please tell me you weren't thinking negatively of yourself..." You questioned further, hoping that he wasn't as you took a seat next to him on the couch.

"I unfortunately was." He mumbled, caught in his moment.

"Why though, hun? Since we started dating, you've usually been quite content with yourself, so what happened?" You asked.

"My thoughts can't help but to wander sometimes. Today I just couldn't stop thinking about how I'd probably be better overall if I was... well, complete. I know you love me, but... I still feel like I could be better for you. If I had both of my arms, I could hold you for real. I could give you a proper hug and hold you even tighter to me... closer to me..." He mumbled, looking upset once again.

Knowing that he was thinking such things pained you. You of course planned on doing something about that, crawling up on his lap and making sure he looked directly at you. With your hands placed firmly on his shoulders, you let out a sigh and gave him an honest yet stern look.

"Well, at least you got one thing right: I do love you. But I think you need to work on loving yourself as much as I do." You said softly. "Screw what anyone else thinks. I think you're great just as you are."

This made Shoot laugh, that sad look slowly melting away as your praise replaced his thoughts.

"I can try to, but I don't think I'll ever be able to love myself as much as you can. I may need a bit of help with that one." He chuckled, looking at you lovingly.

"Now that I can do." You hummed. "Just promise me you won't think so negatively of yourself anymore."

"I promise." He nodded.

Happy with that as his promise, you slid one hand down to gently trace the star tattoo on his shoulder before leaning in to press a kiss to it, lingering with care to make sure he knew for sure that you loved the parts of him he hated. Carrying on, you located and brought each of his nen hands close to yourself and kissed the tops of their knuckles before taking his one good hand in yours and kissing it as well, trailing your lips up his arms and getting closer to his neck. He hummed when you pressed yourself up against him and trailed your kisses up his neck, his arm sliding around your waist as your lips finally found his. Your hands came up to rest around his neck and play with any loose strands of hair once you made yourself comfortable, relaxing into the feeling.

Now he knew your kisses were always wonderful, but there was something about this one that had him more lost in your touch than usual. It could be your insistence on how perfect he was to you, or maybe the way you gently caressed all his available skin; but whatever it was he felt right at home with the only thought in his mind containing you. He gripped at your hip needily while you caressed his pink cheek with care, giving him all you had until you finally broke away from each other.

"I love all of you, Shoot. Not one part of you is flawed to me, so you better start acting like it. Be proud of yourself babe, because I sure as hell am." You spoke softly, resting your forehead against his.

"I'll definitely work on that. You make everything seem so much more possible." He smiled with glowing cheeks.

"And for the record, your hugs are the best I've ever had. I'm always at my happiest when I'm being held by you." You added on.

"You always know just what to say, don't you? I can't believe you're mine." He chuckled.

"Well you better believe it because I'm sticking with you until the day I die." You laughed, planting a quick kiss on his nose.

The both of you laughed contently, tipping over to cuddle on the couch. The snacks could wait. This moment was necessary to embrace together. Besides, making Shoot feel like the most loved man on the planet was your favourite thing to do.

Shoot McMahon X Reader ✨ One Shots ✨Where stories live. Discover now