Unfair Advantage

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"Oi Shoot, do you remember when we sparred that one time after I came back from my month long project?" You questioned, leaning up against Shoot's kitchen counter.

"Yeah, I do. What about it?" He responded as he casually made a cup of coffee next to you.

"I was just thinking... I wonder if you could take me now? Or are you still prone to losing against me by any chance." You teased.

"Mmm, no, I think I could take you on just fine now." Shoot responded rather casually.


"You've gotten softer since we started dating. You're much easier to handle now." He then elaborated with his own devious smirk.

The boldness of his claim had flustered you, feeling ever so slightly offended by the fact that he called you soft. You turned to him with a pouty expression, your reddening cheeks giving you away and making you come off as less intimidating than you wanted to be.

"Tch, b-bullshit. Prove it. First one to get downed first loses and gets all the glory. Let's do it right here, right now, in your living room." You challenged him.

"Hah! You're on." He laughed.

Abandoning his coffee, Shoot casually made his way into his living room and beckoned you with one of his nen hands, making you puff up with defiance as you followed after him. You had to prove that you were still just as tough as that day, and you weren't gonna let his teasing get to you. Just because you loved him didn't mean you were going to go easy on him. Unfortunately for you, it looked like he had the same thought process, having already positioned himself in a fighting stance.

"You're going down." You muttered as you crouched down.

"In your dreams, sweetie." He taunted back.

Neither of you wasted any more time and leapt straight into a brawl, throwing punches at each other and lunging for a chance to knock one another down. Luckily there weren't many things in the living room to knock into so you had plenty of room to dance around each other like before. You spent a good few minutes going at each other, and Shoot noticed that you weren't as fast as usual, nor were your lunges directed at any particular part of him that would cause any harm. This made him smirk, so he baited you in the same manner you did to him before, and it worked far too perfectly. You went to go and knock him down just like you had before, aiming for the backs of his knees; but he was ready for that, and quickly leapt out of the way which led to you losing your balance and hitting the floor. That was when he jumped on top of you and pinned your wrists down with his nen hands, sitting atop your hips with a victorious smirk.

"I win _______." He boasted.

"Fuck- I-it was just a lucky chance for you." You muttered, extremely flustered by the loss.

As he boasted hit win, Shoot gently poked your sides to teasingly emphasise your loss as he revelled in his victory, but he was surprised by the sudden reaction he got from you due to his previously unmotivated pokes. You had squeaked and jerked away from his touch, which earned a devious smirk from him as he looked down at you with a surprisingly menacing expression. Your pupils shrunk once you saw the look on his face, and you knew he had found out your secret. Squirming aggressively, you wiggled your way out from underneath him while he still wasn't totally focused, running away as fast as you could to try and lock yourself away in his bedroom. Unfortunately for you though he was hot on your heels and chased you down, closing the distance between you and tackling you to his bed within seconds. You yelped as he straddled you once more, two of his nen hands pinning your wrists above your head again.

"O-oi, Shoot, y-you don't have to do this." You stammered.

"Hey, I'm just making sure I heard that yelp right." He smirked, showing no signs of stopping what he was about to do.

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