(BakuDeku) Let Us Bloom

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 This story was 'given' to me by @EvE15o so I hope you like it! This is a Quirk AU by the way. Not edited so excuse me if there are some errors. 


Remember watching those movies where the world is ending? seeing a lot of people dying from an infection, a town being bombed, meteors destroying a whole city, or the earth's surface cracking all across the globe. Didn't you ever think 'I wonder when the world really does end' or would I be alive when it happens?' The truth is, we are already living in a world that is dying. It's happening slowly but it's true and it's far too late for us to fix it. Populations are increasing each year, factories needing to produce more and more products, roads and homes are being destroyed so more could fit. All of this causes pollution in the air, sea, land and everywhere else you can possibly imagine.

Would It be any different with a society with people with superpowers?

Would the world be better? or would these superpowers help 'make the world a better place? I think it would make it worse... wouldn't you? people taking advantage of their power and using it for bad. Buildings being destroyed, the climate would be hotter with all the flames, smoke, tehn building more homes, more roads, more cars over and over and over again.

Then, Heroes appear.

they take down these 'villains' and put them in their place but... that just causes more destruction. The cycle repeats only, the Heroes are also destroying property, they are also responsible for the destruction of it. So what would happen if someone had finally had enough?

What if someone had the right ability, or individuality, or quirk... to make what you see in movies a reality? What if it worked? what if he had everyone around the world under his control? This person was successful and his name will be remembered until the world actually ends. He will be in history books, news channels, documentaries, movies, books, anything you can imagine but they will all share one thing in common: They will share the name of One For All, the man that succeeded in having complete and utter control over everyone, killing whomever he wants, fertilizing every woman, reducing one's quirk until it's gone, enslaving them until they drop, and raising every child to learn that what he is doing is for good.

And this leads us to today with a total of a couple million people remaining with the rest of the population killed in the last 20 years of this happening, leaving the rest out to die inside an inescapable terrain full of dungeons with a few hundred thousand people in each simply living their lives. but there was a pair in particular in that group that have stayed together through everything and still had little hope left.

"Good morning kacchan" A grenette yawned as he was startled awake by the blaring alarm from above them.

Izuku midoriya. A kid that was always energetic and full of emotion. He was 17 years of age and his 'best friend' was Katsuki Bakugou. he was also energetic and full of emotion but he was mostly filled with anger and more anger. Izuku was really the only person that could put him in his place, regardless of his quirkless status.

"mmmmm..." Katsuki hummed from the single bed beside him making Izuku let out a short laugh.

Izuku crawled out from under the covers and stepped on top of the cold metal ground before stretching and looking around. The whole dungeon went on for a few square miles considering the amount of people that were here, although it was almost empty since more and more people were getting sick and dying. There were a total of four areas: the sleeping quarters that had a whole line of bunkbeds where a few had signed their name on a piece of cardboard. then there was the dining area which was all the way across from the sleeping quarters and that is where jugs of mushed food would come down shoots and they were not good at all. then there was the bathroom. rust rows of toilets for people to use but the thing was, they didn't have stalls so people even showered naked for everyone to see. But they've been down here for so long, no one cares anymore. the last is an area dedicated to books for people to read, if they have learned. The rest of the place had other things as well like an entertainment where people drew with random supplies and dyes they found, or build weird things with all the junk that would pile in the trash. there were also a few builders, sewers, and medical people that help around people in need. If someone is going to live, better make the best of it.

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