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"i literally hate mushrooms

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"i literally hate mushrooms." willow gags as she pulls the mushroom from her mouth.

"well i love them so get fucked." cal laughs loudly, mouth wide open to show willow the chewed food inside.

willow was over at cals flat sharing a pizza and playing fortnite to try and pass the time as she waits on hearing back about the job shed applied for. cal was always amazing at taking her mind off of things and cheering her up. thats one of the reasons they were best friends. she was good at making him be serious, and he helped her to chill out and have a laugh.

"you two on a date or something?" harry sniggers, walking through the front door and seeing the two.

"yeah sorry if youre feeling lonely." willow replies and cal rolls his eyes. his friends had never gotten along no matter how hard he tried to force them.

"get a grip willow." harry replies, grabbing a piece of pizza from the box on the coffee table. "you and i both know im not lonely."

"oh yeah? that why youve spent the whole day locked away in your room playing by yourself?"

"youre welcome to join me anytime darli-"

"god grow up both of you." cal snaps before feeling a little bad. he didnt want to argue with his best friends but he also couldnt handle them arguing with one another. "no need to fight over me, theres plenty to go around."

"if you keep eating these pizzas there will be." harry jokes and willow laughs before catching herself and glaring at harry.

"i swear yous two were getting along the last time you stayed here." cal said and willow and harry quickly disagreed in unison.

as cal was about to continue his rant about them hating each other his phone begun to ring. "ill be back in a sec. dont murder each other." he walked off in to another room.

"what are you even here for?" harry asked scowling at the girl as he continued to eat his slice of pizza.

"because cals my friend." she answers quickly. "im going to start seeing him a lot more that ive moved closer so just stop acting like a dick." she was already annoyed with the back and fourth and shed only seen twice in the past week.

"i dont have to do anything you say to me youre not my moth-"

"are you actually five years old year?" she snaps and he laughs whilst cal approaches them again.

"whats going on? didnt i say no arguing?" he asks as he flops back down onto the sofa. willow just sighs, looking away from harry who was glaring at her like shed just murdered his mother.

"alright well im gonna go finish my video." harry says jumping up and making his way to his room.

"i wish you two got along you know." cal says, leaning back into the sofa and grabbing a controller.

"yeah i know. im sorry i dont really know why we dont." willow lies, lifting her knees to her chest as she watches cal begin a game.

she felt bad for lying to cal but she knew that there was no way she could tell him the truth. hed never understand and to be honest, she really didnt either.

willow woke up to a bang from the kitchen on cals sofa, covered by a grey fluffy blanket that calum must have of thrown over her after shed fallen asleep last night before slipping to his room.

"what are you doing?" she groaned out rubbing sleep from her eyes as she looked over to harry who was about to crack an egg into a pan.

"making breakfast in my kitchen." he grunts in response, glaring over at her. he thought she was so annoying, laying on his sofa covered in his blanket. why wouldnt she just go home last night?

her phone begun to ring and she quickly picked it up noticing that it was the job shed applied for. she stared at the screen nervously before quickly hitting the accept button.

harry sighed watching her speak to whoever had called her. she was doing one of those voices your mum uses when shes talking on the phone with somebody important.

she broke him from his thoughts as she begun jumping up and down silently. "yes thats perfect thank you so much! bye" she hung up and then begun to squeal whilst continuing her stupid jumping.

"what?" harry asked but she ignored him and instead ran into cals bedroom.

"I GOT THE JOB I GOT THE JOB!" she screamed jumping onto his bed and he groaned.

"what the fuck?" he moaned out confused in his sleepy state.

"get up! i got the job!" she yelled again and he grinned up at her pulling her into a hug.

"course you did youre fucking sick!" he replied whilst she laughed.

"what job?" harry asked, leaning on the doorframe of cals room.

"a journalist job." cal tells him and he nods.

"just boring shit then." he glares at the girl on his best friend's bed. "writing about other peoples lives because you dont have your own."

"what the fuck har dont be like that." cal shouts as harry walks away. "ignore him hes a prick dont let him get you down."

"i wont." willow continues to grin. "im gonna go home and call my mum tell her the news and everything."

"do you want me to drive you?" he asks but she quickly shakes her head 'no' before leaving.

"imagine if cal knew what i knew about what you got up to at uni." harry whispered to willow as she pulled on her shoes. "do you think hed still be happy for you?"

"oh fuck off harry." she spits before walking out the door. he always had to try and ruin everything. he better not tell cal anything. he wont, if he did hed have to tell him how he knew.

an i forgot to post this last night but i forgot sorry <3 vote and comment or whatever

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