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My first week of college is in the books. Overall it wasn't bad. I know once the semester picks up, things will get a bit harder but for now I'm doing okay. Tuesdays classes were good. Nelson is a really good professor and I know that I'm going to want to take more of his classes if I can. Cassie seemed to enjoy psych as well. After class was over I asked Cassie to wait up for me before she walked back to our dorm so I could set up an appointment with Nelson. I ended up picking Friday morning for my first appointment as Friday is going to be my off day from everything. Cassie didn't mention it when I met up with her to walk back to our dorm after.

            The rest of the week went by quick. Practice is paying off and I can tell that coach is impressed in my adjustment from playing with the guys to my all girls team. Becca and I have been working magic together. I don't know what it is but we both have this sense of where the other is on the ice and have been setting each other up to score. It took us till our second team practice to really come to learn most of the plays in the play book. The end of our practice on Thursday coach had Toni join Becca and I when we played a mini game and lets just say we were pretty unstoppable. With Toni's veteran presence settling Becca and I, we were a force nobody could stop.

            Now it's Friday morning and I have my first session with Nelson. When I got to his office I was nervous. This wasn't my first run in with a shrink and it left me with shaky hands and sweaty palms as Nelson let me into his office. His office looked more like a living room then an office when I took a seat on one of the two couches in the middle of the room. There was a large flat screen tucked in the corner of the room and a coffee table in the middle of the couches with old magazines on it.

            Nelson's desk was at the other end of the room along with a large filing cabinet. Music was playing in the background as I took in all the planets Nelson has on his window ledge. Nelson grabbed a notepad and sat on the opposite couch from me and got himself ready.

            "So coach said you have been doing really well getting adjusted to the team so fast." Nelson opened with. I was grateful that we started talking about hockey. It wasn't hard for him to tell I was nervous so easing into things with hockey was a nice start.

            We talked about hockey for most of the session. Then we also talked about the other girls on the team and how I've become pretty friendly with most of them already. I knew as the season went on we would be working together as a well-oiled machine. Towards the end of the session Nelson transitioned from hockey to getting to know me more. We walked about my first week at school, how dorming is going, how Cassie is, how I'm taking being away from home like this for the first time. When he started to venture into how things were at home before I came to college was when I had enough. Nelson could tell I threw a wall up and we concluded the session.

            As Nelson was finishing his last note he asked when I would want to come back to see him. He started with dates for next month but I thought it might be beneficially for me to come and see him more then the once a month that is required. So I asked for a date two weeks from now. Nelson seemed happy with my choice and once the date was set up I left his office.

            On my way back to the dorm I stopped by the women's hockey house and hung out for a bit with some of my teammates. I think that as part of my routine I'm going to make Fridays a day when I come down to the house to spend time with the team off the ice. Everyone is mainly around as only a few of them had classes of Fridays. It seemed like the team just hangs out on Fridays and when I walked into the front door Stacey pulled me into the living room and I ended up spending a few hours at the house just watching tv with her and a few other girls.

            Before I left the house I found out that everyone is leaving for the game at 6 but they are going to pre-game before they leave the house if I wanted to come down. I said I would let them know and got my tickets from Toni before heading back to my dorm room.

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