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That next morning when I woke up, it felt like I got hit by a freight train. My whole body hurt and nothing I did would lessen the pain at all. It was so bad I almost called Travis to ask him to bring me back to the hospital. It took a few more seconds for things to sink in with what happened and I slowly sat up in bed. That was a big mistake because I cried out in pain. I managed to get a few shallow breaths in before Cassie pushed through my bedroom door. Worry was written all over her face and I knew she was expecting something much worse. Slowly I pulled my tee shirt up my side and looked down. My whole left side is blue and purple. I've had my fair share of hockey injuries but this is up there with my concussion.

"Are you okay Mac?" Cassie asked and came over to me.

"Everything hurts" I said and tried to calm down. The more I panic, the worse the pain is. But every time I tried to take deep breaths I would get sharp shooting pain up and down my side.

"Hey, focus on me, follow my breathing." Cassie said and got right in my face, forcing me to focus on her. She put my hand on her chest and I was able to feel her take each breath of air. Slowly, I was able to start to match her. We must have been at it for at least a half an hour by the time I felt like I was in enough control to use my voice.

"I need some food, more pain killers and a bath, I still smell like hospital." I said started to get a whiff of myself.

"Well come on then, my mom is making breakfast and after you finish we can work on the other two." Cassie said and stood from my bed.

"You called your mom?" I asked thrown a little bit.

"Yea, after you left last night, I kind of panicked and called her, she came down this morning so Chad could make his game today." Cassie said nervously. "Also I have a surprise for you."

Cassie didn't say anything else but just held her hand out for me to take. Slowly I got out of bed and together we slowly walked out of my room. Standing in the kitchen is Willa, talking with my mom.

"Mom?" I asked so confused. When she heard my voice mom turned around and walked right over to me.

"How are you feeling Mac?" Mom asked and took in my lip.

"Like I got crushed by a truck, what are you doing here?" I asked still finding it hard to believe she is actually here right now as mom ran her hand under my lip.

"I saw the hit McKenna, I have eyes, when you went down it wasn't like the first hit Tatiana threw. That was to just catch you off guard, this one was meant to injure. When Travis saw your ribs he told me how bad it was I got on the earliest flight I could. My boss saw the hit and she cleared my schedule this week for me to come out." Mom said and put her hand on my shoulder.

I didn't know what to say. Tears started to well in my eyes and I just walked into my mom's arms. I just clung to her as my mom held me. I don't know how long I stood there for but finally my mom pushed me off of her and into a chair. Mom wiped her eyes and took a breath before she bent down and slowly lifted my shirt. The moment my ribs were on display I heard her suck in a breath.

"You're sure nothing is broken?" Mom asked studying my chest.

"Yea, the doctor said three ribs are bruised, nothing is broken or fractured." I answered.

Mom didn't say anything else and slowly let go of my shirt. When it was back in place Willa came over and gave me a hug and a kiss on the top of my head and placed a plate in front of me, on it sat a chocolate frosted donut and a bear claw from the coffee shop in Cassies hometown.

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