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Getting to spend two weeks at home with mom has honestly been amazing. It really made me happy that we got to have this time together to really rebuild our relationship. Having Alyssa around so much was an added bonus I didn't really know I would appreciate until I was leaving. Finally seeing mom so happy and in love with someone made me realize how much she was missing while she stayed with my father.

            Our final day together was spent at the Bruins game. It was definitely the highlight of my trip home. This was the first time I've been to a professional game in person in so long and to have these great seats was incredible. Alyssa, Mom and I all got really into the game right from the start as the Bruins scored within the first five minutes. I had mom buy a round of beers on me as I couldn't buy them for myself. When we finished the first round mom bought the second and some popcorn for us to go through. The game was action packed with a lot of roughing and a few fights and a lot of goals by both teams. The final score ended up being 5-3 Bruins.

            After the game was over we went home for the night and it didn't take long for me to crash. When I woke up the next morning I stayed in bed for a while not wanting to move. When I eventually got up I started to make my way around my room and pack up the last of my stuff I wanted to bring to campus with me. A lot of what I'm bringing back with me is cold weather stuff.

            My last day at home was pretty much spent on the couch with Mom. Alyssa claimed that she had to go over some stuff with her real estate agent about finalizing the sale of her apartment so after lunch I said bye to her. A tight hug goodbye and a promise of sending home pads and a helmet and Alyssa was gone. After Alyssa took her leave mom made me pull my shirt up to look at my ribs. The bruising is practically all gone now and the only time my ribs hurt are when someone hits them right in that spot.

            Mom and I went on a walk to the park not far from our house afterwards. Frank was on his lease running not too far ahead of us as we slowly made our way around the loop. On our second lap around mom and I stopped at a bench and sat down with Frank laying at our feet.

            "I think this is the most we have talked and had actual genuine conversations." I said and turned to look at her.

            "Did I ever tell you, you that you're a smart kid?" Mom asked and shifted on the bench to be closer to me.

            "Alyssa is also really great by the way. I can see you really love her." I said.

            "I do really love her. I think that I was always in love with her but was too afraid to leave PJ until he pushed you into that table. The only thought going through my mind at the time was that you better be okay, if you weren't I don't know what I would have done." Mom said and sighed.

             "Well I am okay mom and so are you. Soon you and Alyssa are going to be living together and then we'll find a nice new house for the three of us. Who knows, maybe I'll have a nice new shiny trophy to bring home with me at the end of the year." I said and smirked.

            "Alright, don't count your chickens McKenna." Mom said and pushed her elbow into my ribs.

            I could only laugh at her actions and I bumped into her shoulder in return. We didn't stay at the park for much longer as the weather was starting to get colder. When we got home mom made us some dinner before I double checked my bags. After my bags were packed up Mom and I through them into the trunk of her car before we walked down the street to Travis' house. He is going back to school in a few more days, wanting to spend New Year's at home. So I got to hang out with him for a little while before mom and I left for the airport.

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