Epilogue - Leaving

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Epilogue - Leaving

Bella's POV

Today I am leaving for Alaska with Elizabeth, Anthony, with Rosalie and Emmett as our basic guards. To say I'm nervous would be the understatement of the century. Currently, Elizabeth and Anthony are elsewhere in the house. I'm sure that Elizabeth is somewhere around Esme and Alice being dressed for her trip. Anthony is with Edward currently as well as Jacob. That was a strange match-up considering the tension surrounding them both. The sun has already risen as I move from my position. More than anything, I'm worried about the flight being restricted in a small compact private jet for a few hours until we reach Alaska. Surprisingly, Emmett has flying experience which he admitted just last night.

"Yeah, flying has become a necessity. Normally we have human fliers but with a newborn on board we believe it would be best that I fly the plane," Emmett replied last night. It might have been better handled had he not been playing the game system at the time. If I were human my heart would have thudded out of my chest at his admission. Everyone else merely smiled but it was Rosalie who smirked as she clutched Anthony in her arms. While I understood the situation with Rose and Anthony, I was beginning to realize I might have to put distance between them. I loved Rose like a sister now, she had helped me through so much, but she had to realize that I wanted time with my son as well. By the time Anthony became a teenager he would be spoiled rotten because of her and I wouldn't, no couldn't, have that.

"Ready for your trip?" I smiled over at Jasper who stood in the walkway with a smile. "Ready as I'll ever be," I told him. He nodded, "I'm sure it won't be that bad." I gave him a look, "A human drinker is going to be around my two human children, I'm sure that's bad." He smirked, "Oh, he won't be a problem. Emmett has already said he could take care of him for the children." I smiled almost laughing at the truth behind Emmett's words. While Emmett hadn't been around the kids as much as the rest of the family, I knew he cared for them as if they were his own. "I'm sure he will do that, I wouldn't put it past him," I smile. Turning back to the window, I sigh, "Jasper?" Instantly he's beside me at the window, "I've never asked but do my children's presence bother you at all?"

Jasper smiles but I can see the pain behind the expression. "I'm not afraid to admit but at first yes, they did bother me. Though recently that's not the case. Ever since you woke it's like their scent has been shielded if that makes any sense," Jasper answers. I nod surprised by his words. It makes me wonder if either of my children are gifted in the way that I am. Edward still has not told me that he can read my mind so I assume that I'm still closed to him. Suddenly howls break through the forest and I can feel tiny tremors through the ground. A sandy colored wolf explodes through the trees and once again I'm struck by their size. Seth transforms just outside of the bushes before pulling on shorts. He seems sad but also relieved in a way as he makes his way toward the front door.

"The young wolf appears troubled," Jasper whispers. I turn watching as he enters the house without knocking. We've told him the past few days that he's family and family doesn't have to knock. Plus with his stench we could never truly not know it was him on the other side of the door. "Seth?" I ask slowly approaching him. He looks up his eyes searching the room. "Elizabeth is with Alice and Esme getting dressed. She needed a bath and a good changing. She'll be back down shortly. Are you joining us at the airport?" I ask him. Seth slowly nods before sighing, "Sorry, Bella. Billy talked to Charlie last night. Jacob didn't come back home last night and when he shifted his father hadn't heard anything at the time. Charlie's still pretty torn up but we expected that, the DNA results were returned yesterday. They were confirmed as Bella's. There must had been some doubt if Charlie's mind because there wasn't enough remains in the fire for appropriate identification."

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