33. Premature

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33. Premature

It such a good thing both Alice and Edward had gone hunting so I didn’t have to worry about them guarding the door. Esme had super hearing but she wasn’t gifted like Jasper, Alice, or Edward. It was almost too easy to get out of the house. I expected Esme to be guarding me to a hawk considering Rose hadn’t left my side in weeks almost months really. Though Esme had realized before Rose that she was hovering and I just needed some space. This space was becoming my escape from the house. I didn’t like the idea of leaving but Mike needed my help. He couldn’t kill himself, he could turn that gun on his mother if she was around and he already had enough to deal with. I found the garage easily enough after Edward had carried me around the house during my pregnancy. Along the wall were keys to the vehicles and I looked around to see what was available. My eyes zeroed in on Edward’s silver Volvo sitting in the driveway.

I managed to find the keys before running in my condition toward his car. My palms were sweating as I slid behind the wheel of his car. This was the first time I had ever driven this car since Edward had become my chauffeur. I wasn’t stupid enough not to think that Alice had seen this happening already while they were gone. She had most likely told Edward about this and he was running back to me. I just hoped that nothing happened during this or Edward would never let me live this down. I backed out of the garage and sped down the drive before Esme could ever catch me leaving the house. I was thinking about everything had to this moment the moment that I would define. Maybe I was stupid for doing this, for believing there was just a little bit of good left in Mike.

Perhaps in some part of my mind I thought my kid might be able to know their real father. When Mike finally got helped and got clean there was that possibility that the kid would be in his life. It wouldn’t have been easy, I knew that, but it was something I desperately wanted to attempt. Mike was being destructive but if there was no hope for him to be in the kid’s life there had to be hope for him in his mother’s life. I knew somewhere in her that she still loved Mike treasured him more than anyone else. My own mother didn’t like that I was pregnant but she did send occasional emails asking about the progress of the pregnancy and how I was doing. Mothers were bonded to their kids during those nine months so I knew there had to be something that tied her to Mike that was unbreakable.

I thought about Charlie too as I raced down the road. Charlie had been such a great father in my life. We were both awkward before but this child had brought us together. Despite all of the chaos I dealt with concerning Mike it had brought me so much. I wasn’t sure what would have happened if Edward hadn’t come into my life when I desperately needed it. My birthday had been a game changer for my life and despite everything I was never happier. I was more in love than I ever had been in my entire life. The feelings I had for Mike in the beginning had felt like love but it was a tender kind of love that wasn’t deep that was breakable. The love I had for Edward was unbreakable nothing could make me stop loving him. He was it for me and if things didn’t work out I would never be the same because I loved him with my whole being.

Somehow Jessica found her way into my thoughts along with Angela. Angela and Ben were getting ready for college but things hadn’t changed between us. Angela was still my best friend and that would never change no matter what I went through. Jessica was another story altogether as just after graduation I saw her with Lauren again but Jessica wasn’t her happy go lucky self. Something had happened between Jessica and Mike, I was determined to figure out what. I desperately needed to make sure she hadn’t been hurt or suffered through what I suffered. Before long the neighborhood began to evolve as I almost sped to Mike’s house.

Images flashed through my mind of this exact neighborhood so long ago. It felt like a lifetime between my dating Mike and then being with Edward. It hadn’t even been a year since the change had happened but it felt like so much longer. I could remember the first time I came to the Newton’s house for dinner. Mr. Newton had been nice but even then I could see something different in him. He wasn’t always present at the dinner table but Mrs. Newton over looked it all. I believe that she would have stayed with him despite his cheating if he hadn’t had left her with nothing. The woman she was then contradicted who she was now. It was a stark contrast between the two women people would have a hard time believing it was her if the two sides stood beside each other. Before I could blink again I was pulling into the driveway of the Newton house. The driveway was empty and immediately I knew that Karen, Mike’s mom, was out for the evening with either a client, drug dealer, or her pimp. The woman needed serious help if Mike was ever going to get better. They both should have been give court ordered rehab for five months then maybe progress would have been made.

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