24. Confrontation

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24. Confrontation

            There’s that moment in almost everyone’s life where they seemed to have that outer body experience. I think this was mine. I was physically there in my body but mentally I felt a little overwhelmed. If this is what Carlisle meant about no high stress situations, we weren’t doing a very good job.

Charlie looked like if he saw Mike he would shoot first and ask questions later. I worried not only for bystanders but for Charlie’s mental stability. It seemed a lot of aggression exuded from Charlie and I had the distinct impression that this went further than my abuse. I didn’t think Charlie had liked Mike even in the beginning, what father would like any boy that was dating their daughter. Charlie never came around with Mike though not once. It got even worse when his father left town which made me think about the store and if I was truly at fault for my father allowing the huge surplus store that bought out Newton’s Outfitters.

“I’m sure they won’t mind us just showing up instead of calling. I really want to give that boy a piece of my mind for a change.” Charlie said.

I grasped Edward’s hand in my own pulling him closer. I was really worried about seeing Mike with Charlie right now. He wasn’t stable and there was a good chance I might lose my father in all of this. Mike wasn’t a rational thinking person anymore. If Charlie showed up shooting first and asking questions later I feared what might happen to us all. Carlisle and Edward would go with us but that would expose their secret to too many witnesses.

We should have done the more appropriate thing of killing Mike in another way. I could have easily found some drugs in his stash mixed them with something else and he could have easily died from contaminated drugs instead of being shot by the chief of police. I knew it was going to happen, pretty obvious what was going to happen through my eyes. I wondered if Mike’s mom would even be at home. I recalled I hadn’t even told Charlie about Mike’s mom’s new job or her drug problem. That was Mike’s burden to reveal, I figured he’d have enough on his plate right about now.

“We’ll need to figure out who’s riding where. You can all ride over in my cruiser if that would be easier.”

Edward glances at Carlisle who nods, “I think I’ll drive my car. The kids can ride with you. I’m pretty sure Bella is going to need Edward at her side through this.”

Charlie nods and I can suddenly see an uncomfortable look passing over Charlie’s face. He looks over at Edward and I realize instantly why he’s uncomfortable.

“Edward?” Charlie says.

Edward glances over at him and I know Edward won’t make this hard on Charlie. He can, afterall, hear his every thought like broadcast radio. I really wished I knew what frequency my own head was on, make me feel like less of a freak, I guess.

“Don’t worry, Charlie. Bella is my friend and I want what you want, her safe. I’ll be here with her until she’s no longer safe by my presence.”

Charlie breathes a sigh of relief, “Thanks, kid. I still want to thank you though. If it hadn’t been for you, there’s no telling what might have happened to my little girl.”

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks and I knew it wasn’t helping Edward with his self-control much either. I knew I was a problem for him I was just a little confused as to how big of a burden my blood really was to him. He hadn’t really broached that subject but I figured there would be plenty of time for that later.

Edward pulled me closer as Charlie grabbed the papers from his desk. Something about the way Edward held me close he worried about Charlie too. I wondered what Edward was hearing from Charlie to make him so overprotective suddenly. I didn’t worry about my safety around Charlie; I was worried about everyone else’s safety.

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