37. New World

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A/N: There might be words from Breaking Dawn Chapter 20 in this chapter. Chapter might be a little on the short side. No copyright infringement intended.

37. New World

When my eyes opened, I realized I might as well have been blind as human. The world was new and so much brighter though it didn’t make me wince once. As I looked ahead from my lying position, I stared at the light transfixed by the dust motes swirling in the air. Dust had always been a nuisance before but now it was so beautiful. It has different sections even more beautiful that the last. It was deeper more pronounced with layers that I never could have seen before.

My eyes flicked to the wooden siding in the room to see deep into the layers of wood almost down to nothing. The dust particles float around the room just sitting there as if that was all they were meant for. Everything that was once dead is alive and bright in this new light. There even seems to be a new color that I have never seen before and couldn’t even describe if I had the words for it.

Sliding to the edge of whatever I’m lying on I try to sit up. Before I can even get the thought out, I’m sitting up looking at the room in a different direction. My hand rises when I think about it to see my hand thin but different somehow. The color of my skin is bright but pale somehow. As I breathed I realized I didn’t need the air. My lungs weren’t waiting for it. They reacted indifferently to the influx. I did not need the air, but I liked it. The air even had a strange unusual taste that I could not actually pin point.

Looking down at myself, I notice the blue dress wrapped around my body. My fingers touch the fabric and it feels different under the tips of my fingers. As I look down again I notice the same wooden floor suddenly aching to touch the surface to know if it too feels different.

Before the thought is fully processed, my toes have curled against the floor holding my body upright. Standing, I realize I feel taller probably a good foot taller. It feels as if I’m standing straighter instead of the slouch I always had when human. My body doesn’t curve in on itself instead it stands taller announcing the presence of itself. While I’m busy taking in my surroundings, my body seems to notice another scent that I’ve never noticed before. The scent surrounds me consumes my very body with a relaxing like feeling. The smile spread across my face without my consent as I wanted so desperately to know where that smell was coming from. It didn’t cause any dangerous thoughts in my head more like the opposite.

Unfortunately, my thoughts were cut off from the smell by suddenly movement. The movement was not my own and suddenly I was crouching in the floor. My lips pulled back in a snarl as I stared ahead of me. There was a person standing at the door with their hands in front of them. The position was one of submission but my body didn’t release the crouch. A stronger snarl broke from my lips in the direction of the person at the door. For a moment I tried to concentrate past the need of survival wondering if I knew the person standing in front of me in submission. I took so long for me to realize that I was suddenly the threat this person was feeding.

Never in my life, had I been a threat to someone else. I was always a threat to myself. I tripped over invisible cracks in the floor or some times over thin air. It was almost comical it had taken me turning into a vampire to become a strong person I was to meant to be. Once I realized I was the danger in the room, I stood straighter momentarily embarrassed by my behavior.

“Bella?” I heard the low whisper of my name.

The sound of my name from this voice did funny things to my insides. Never had my name sounded so sensual or beautiful before. I looked up and what I saw nearly took my breath away. All those times I could barely remember tracing the contours of his face and staring for what felt like hours had been a waste. I had been trying to commit his beauty to memory but I might as have been blind. There were no words to describe Edward’s perfection. His beautiful bronze hair was brighter, his skin more translucent, his eyes a dim yellow bordering almost to black. He really was flawless down to the clothes on his body. Now for some reason he wanted me the plain Bella.

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