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Anyway, enjoy Draco and Juliet's date, and the gathering of Dumbledore's Army!


I crawl out of bed with a headache and a blocked nose. How is it possible to be completely fine at night, but then you wake up feeling awful?

It's already 8:00, but since it's a Saturday, breakfast isn't served until 8:30 and students get a lie in. With no lessons on Saturday or Sunday for that matter, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't looking forward to the weekend ahead. Quidditch practice starts tomorrow and this is my first year as Captain. Pair that with my date with Draco today, and it's all shaping up to be a good weekend.

But not if I keep feeling this awful. I fling my trunk open and grab all of the spellbooks that I have inside, frantically searching for the right one. I know that I have a spell that'll be useful, I remember seeing it before. I grab the book that it must be in; 'Medicinal Spells for Advanced Witches and Wizards' and throw it open. These spells usually take a couple of minutes to work, and I need to be ready in time for breakfast and then back to meet Draco.

Flicking through, I don't find anything remotely helpful. 'Fixing Broken Bones,' 'Healing Burns,' 'Soothing coughs,' 'Removing boils.' I giggle as I remember the sight of Pansy last night, covered in hideous boils. For once, I wish that I was a muggle, and I could just take loads of those strange potions they have called Antibiotics and feel better. Sometimes, being a witch makes things much more complicated.

Finally, I find it. 'Clearing a blocked nose.' Quickly reading through the instructions and practicing the wand movement a few times with my finger, I grab my wand, clear my throat, and grab a tissue. I hold the tissue against my nose, as it states in the book, and move my wand, then recite "Purgantibus Nasus.'

I wait for 5 seconds, and nothing happens. Nothing but the growing urge to sneeze. I drop my wand and make sure that the tissue is covering my nose, before I let out the loudest sneeze I've ever heard. "AAAACCCHHOOOO!" I shout. The tissue fills with snot and I place it on the floor. "Wingardium Leviosa." The dirty tissue floats into the air, I move it away a bit before saying "Incendio." The tissue bursts into flames and burns in mid air. It's the most hygenic way to dispose of a used tissue, Mum always used to say. The tissue quickly burns out and the ash falls into a strategically placed bin.

My head feels clearer instantly, and thank goodness, my nose does too. I put the spellbook back into my trunk and hurry to have a shower and get dressed. I make an effort, considering that I'll be with Draco, whilst still remaining practical. I grab a pair of navy jeans and a long sleeved blue t-shirt, adding a pretty lazuli-coloured scarf and my matching converse high-top that I've worn so much the soles have almost been worn through.

I brush my hair and gasp with alarm when I realise that it's already 8:20am. We're not allowed to miss breakfast, unless we have express permission from a teacher or we're ill. Besides, I still need to get to the owlery and deliver my letter to Charlie.

I apply some mascara, knowing that I'll have to come back to get my broom anyway, and lace up my shoes. With that, I push my wand into my back pocket and leave my room in a hurry, not stopping to say hello to anyone in the common room on my way. The owlery is a fair distance from the Slytherin dungeons, 20 minutes if I walk, maybe 10 if I run. My feet pound the cobbles as I tear up the track, leaving my fellow students staring as I rush past.

Lazuli - Harry Potter Fan Fiction (Draco Malfoy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora