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I try not to throw up, despite how sick I feel, and force myself to smile. Draco seems to have noticed Umbridge too, but he doesn't seem that bothered. Perhaps he knew that she'd be here.

Either way, I don't have time to ask, because Narcissa and Lucius are descending the staircase gracefully and Draco is pulling me after them. I smile numbly for the Daily Prophet's camera at the bottom as it takes a photograph of the four of us. Before I know it, Draco is dragging me after his parents, who are headed straight to the Minister of Magic, my brother and Umbridge.

Just breathe, I tell myself, you deal with her at school all of the time.

I come to the conclusion that it's because she's taken me by surprise that I'm so shaken, and that I'm fine at school because I expect it. This is no different to school really, I have Draco by my side to keep me steady, and Umbridge smiling freakishly at me in front.

Just like school, just like school.

"Ah, Lucius! A wonderful ball, as always." The Minister shakes Draco's father's hand and Lucius smiles politely. "I couldn't take the credit, my wife was the main organiser," he gestures towards Narcissa, who's hand the Minister kisses. I shudder at the thought of letting him anywhere near me, when he so blatantly disregards my family. "Mrs Malfoy, how ravishing you look this evening," he says warmly, causing Narcissa to giggle girlishly. I almost see Draco roll his eyes.

"And my son you know, of course" Draco shakes the Minister's hand firmly, as his father did. "My, what a strong grip you have, my lad." Draco beams at the compliment and places his hand by his side again. "And this is his girlfriend, Miss Juliet Weasley." I smile politely as the Minister takes my hand and kisses it just as he did to Narcissa. It's an effort not to squirm and snatch my hand away.

Lights seem to switch on in Fudge's head and he looks at my brother behind him. "Weasley, that's the same surname as you Percy. Are you related?" Percy's eyes bulge out of his head and he looks incredibly embarrassed. I scowl at him when nobody is looking and then reply on his behalf. "Yes sir, we're brother and sister." Fudge claps his hands, "excellent, excellent! But if you don't mind me saying, you don't look alike at all." Percy grimaces and I just beam. "No sir, if you know any of my family, you'll know that I'm quite different from them all. Something I pride myself on." The Minister bursts out laughing, and because Fudge is laughing, so are most of the people around us. Even Percy forces out a nervous chuckle.

"Well Miss Weasley, you've made me laugh." I incline my head as if that was my mission in life and he holds his tubby arm out. "If Master Malfoy would allow it, I should like to share this dance with you." There is no way that Draco or I can argue, I see Percy's face go as red as his hair. "Of course Sir, I'd be delighted.." I drift off, pulling away from Draco's supportiveness and stepping out on my own. I take the Minister's arm and he leads me towards the dance-floor, where people clear aside to allow us space. The Minister bows deeply and I curtsey. I know most of formal dances - we were taught them last year for the Yule Ball. The orchestra stops playing their current song and changes to a graceful waltz. The Minister places one hand on my waist and the other in mine, and soon we are gliding across the floor. One, two, three, one, two, three. I keep repeating in my head until I get it into my head, it's been a long time since I danced like this.

Eventually other couples begin to join us, making me feel less conscious. But I know that many eyes are still watching me, women whispering to their husbands. "That's Arthur Weasley's daughter..." one points out. "A Weasley, surely not! I thought all of the Weasley's were ginger and clumsy!" the husband replies.

"So, Miss Weasley, do you attend Hogwarts school?" he asks quizzically. "Yes sir, I'm currently in my 5th year." The Minister is a surprisingly good dancer, nimble and quick on his feet considering his age. "And what house are you in at school?"

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