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Draco and I sit across from each other, staring into space. Neither of us really know what to say to each other. Draco's father is the known enemy of my father, they both work in the Ministry and have always despised each other, ever since they were at school. Furthermore, if our father's knew that he was even talking to me, the repercussions for both of us would be disastrous.

Yet I still find myself staring at him, searching for something to say, because I'm desperate to talk to him, and I find him fascinating. I've never really known Draco, despite the fact that we're both in the same house and year. He's in most of my lessons too, but I've never really been one of those girls that follows him around like a lost puppy, grinning and giggling at everything he says. On top of that, I don't really like his attitude, he treats most people like dirt and however bad they've treated me, I could never forgive him for the vile things that he's called my brothers and sister.

He's always been civil towards me, I suppose that's because I'm the two things that make you worthy of Draco Malfoy's politeness - I'm in Slytherin, and probably more importantly, I'm considered a pure-blood. The fact that my surname is Weasley isn't really that important I guess. Whenever we've had to work together on a project or had to speak about something, we've conversed with the sort of polite formality that you might show a new colleague who's job is at the same level as yours. The sort of acquaintance that when the job was done, you both return to your separate lives and separate friends, only acknowledging each other with a nodded head as you pass in the corridor or perhaps a brief smile.

Now, however, it appears as if that's going to change, unless I can think of an excuse to leave him and find another cabin.

Draco has other plans.

"How was your summer?" He asks with a gentle smile. He's casually leaning against the cabin window, only foot on the seat with his arm rested upon it. I find myself relaxing, falling into his trap. I push a strand of hair behind my ear and instantly berate myself silently. He must think that I'm another one of those girls, the ones that fawn over him, who can't think for themselves. I have to reprieve myself with the wit and charm that I'm famed throughout Hogwarts for.

"It was...average." I must be careful with my words. I'm not supposed to tell anybody about Grimmauld Place, much less Draco, who's father is rumoured to be a Death-Eater. I shudder at the thought. If what Harry says about You Know Who returning is true, and the Order are right, then Draco isn't a safe person to be around. But I promised Sirius and Remus information. I'll be damned if I come back with nothing.

Draco flashes me another smile and nods his head slowly. "I know what you mean. One of those summers that just seems to drag on, never-ending. I never thought I'd say it, but I'm glad to be coming back to Hogwarts." I find myself agreeing and removing the green scarf from around my neck. A Christmas present from one of my female friends. Draco watches as I fold it neatly and place it inside my bag. "I spent the summer practising Quidditch, I need to improve if I'm ever going to be more than the second best seeker in Slytherin." He gives me a cheeky wink and reaches into the briefcase-like bag at his foot. From it he pulls out a photograph, he holds it out to me and I take it, examining the picture. It's a picture of Draco and a young man on a broom stick. I recognise him instantly - it's Fabiyan O'Donahue, the Seeker for the Digstone Dragons, and the best English Seeker in a century. He used to attend Hogwarts and has always been an idol of mine. I can feel myself brimming with jealously that Draco got to meet him.

"What was he like? Was he as amazing as they say he was?" I bombard Draco with questions and he gives me a half smile. The train is into the countryside now, having left London behind and now is rolling gently through the green hills. Everything seems perfect outside, flowers bloom from the hot summer and sudden burst of rain a couple of weeks ago, something that the Order have been saying is more than your regular band of rain. I shudder at the thought that out there, in the beautiful countryside, You Know Who could be hiding. Building up his strength and waiting until he's strong enough to attack again.

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