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I force myself to smile weakly at Draco's parents, both of whom are incredibly good-looking for older people. As I examine Lucius Malfoy, I can see the obvious resemblance between him and Draco. They share the white-blood hair in the same way that my parents and siblings all share red hair. Both of them are tall and strong whilst not being too well-built. Both of them have entrancing grey eyes and sharp cheekbones. The only difference between them over than the obvious age and appearance is that where Draco is showing his emotions by kissing my cheek lightly and talking about how worried he was, Lucius has a face of steel, showing no sign of what he's thinking. The man could be made from stone.

Draco wraps an arm around my shoulder. "When I went to breakfast this morning and nobody knew where you were, I panicked. Your brothers and sister were gone too, and so I had to ask Professor McGonagall. She was reluctant to tell me, but..."

"Enough Draco." His father orders. Draco immediately ceasing talking and it's strange to see someone have so much power over him. Draco never does what he's told and doesn't let anybody tell him what to do. But with his father, that must be different.

And I don't blame him, Lucius Malfoy is already scaring me to the point where I'm seriously contemplating running away. As terrible as it sounds, he does seem like the sort of guy who'd be a Death Eater.

I mentally berate myself. Don't make judgements about someone before you properly know them. I judged Draco, writing him off as the cruel and selfish serpent that my brother's and sister made him out to be. Now that I know the real him I know that he's nothing like that at all, at least not to me.

"Mother, Father. This is Juliet, my girlfriend. Juliet, meet my parents, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy." Draco's mother gives me a gentle smile and I think about how pretty and young she looks. Her hair is blonde, like Draco and Lucius, hair that's been elegantly styled into an up-do and with peculiar black streaks in. Like her male family she has pale skin and a sharp jaw, although she doesn't appear as frightening as her husband. Narcissa wears a light peach lipstick on her thin lips and her dark eyes are rimmed with brown kohl. Adding to this striking appearance, she's wearing a long, silk pearly gown beneath a black overcoat, completing her look with black heels and black earrings. She looks like the very epitome of wealth.

"Miss Weasley, we've heard much about you from our son. He is quite besotted with you, it would seem." I smile back at Draco's mother. "Please, call me Juliet. And you have a wonderful son, Mr and Mrs Malfoy. A brilliant wizard."

Narcissa's beams at the compliments I awarded to Draco and I begin to relax towards her. But that doesn't stop me being wary of Draco's father who is still watching closely as Draco excuses us from his parents and drags me behind an empty wall.

Once we are out of the view of his parents, I wrap my arms around him and sob into the shoulder of his black jacket. He runs a hand through my hair. "Draco, I'm so sorry. I should have written to you, or sent you some warning." He hushes me. "Don't be stupid, you've had enough to worry about. Professor McGonagall told me what happened, after I informed her that you were my girlfriend and I had the right to know where you'd disappeared to." I would have smiled at the possessiveness in his tone if it wouldn't have ruined the act that I'd been ordered to portray.

"My mum, she found out about us. She's so upset about everything that happened with Dad, she's gone sort of mad. Anyway, she found out and threw me out. I couldn't think of anywhere else to go..." I trail off, because Draco kisses my nose gently and presses our foreheads together. "Don't think about it anymore. Of course you can stay with me, my mum will be so pleased. She likes you already, I can tell."

I kiss him gently and have to admit that I'm surprised by how easy it was to lie to him. It feels bad to do so, worse than bad actually, terrible. But like Sirius said I don't have a choice, I have to find out what Lucius Malfoy is planning.

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