13} Our date

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Yesterday after was happened at the track we all just went to Ren's house and chilled, talked about how we were feeling, and so on. At the end when were all saying goodbye Willard told me he would drive me home, so here we are in the car on the way to my house.

"I was so worried about you, you know today." Willard said.

"Why Will?"

"Because you could have gotten caught in the fire, you risked your life for Ren."

"You did too Willy. You actually did more. You got Ren and me out of there just in time. So you kind of saved my life." It was a red light so gave him a quick kiss on the cheek but he pulled me in for one on the lips.

"I love now being able to do this now, you know? I don't got to hide my affection."

"Yeah, I like that too. Also are we still on for the date tomorrow right? I asked him.

"Of course Georgia. I finally get a chance to take you out and I'm not losing it." We were already at my house so he continued, "5:30 tomorrow for dinner and the place is a surprise. I want to get you home early because we have school."

"Aww" I told him, "You care about me, but I want to know where!"

"Always have sweetheart, but I'm not telling you. Just dress nice."

"Okay handsome." I say kissing him once more, but him being him makes it a long one. Once we take a breath I say, "Good night Willy."

He then smiles and says, "Good night Georgia." I get out of the car and make my way upstairs. I do my normal night routine and fall asleep dreaming about tomorrow.

{Next Afternoon}

It's 1:30, Ariel, Rusty, Gabby, and I are making our way to a little cute boutique to find something simple for my date today.

"Simple!" Rusty argues, "You have to look spectacular!"

"No Rusty. It's a surprise so I'm going for a simple dress."

"I would go more hard core if I were you, Georgia." Ariel tells me.

"Guys I just need your opinions not judgment!"

"Fine, fine!" Rusty says. "Here we are."

{Picture of boutique}

{Picture of boutique}

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We go inside.

"Omg it is so pretty!" I say.

"Yeah I know!" Gabby responds.

"Okay Here are some dresses I like." Ariel says while holding 3 dresses one pink, yellow, and blue.

"Oh you know me so well." I say hugging her. They are so pretty I grab them from her and go to try them on. I try on the pink first.

When I walk out Rusty says, "Oh my gosh you look like barbie!"

"I think it's pretty , but not it." Ariel says.

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