25} Put your trust in me + A.N

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Once Ren finishes his speech everyone stays silent. What he said resonated with all of us. I truly believe Ren has convinced the town of Bomont that this law has been taken way out of hand. 

"This meeting has ended." Robert tells the crowd. Willard goes straight to the back to find me. Once we meet I give him a huge hug. 

"You really think this law could be taken back?" I ask.

Willard pulls back from the hug, "I think that what Ren said may have been the thing to change everyone's minds and if he did I'm going have to practice some new moves." 


"Well you see Georgia, if we can ever dance in public again. I am making it my ultimate goal to take you out on not just any date, a dancing date." After saying that he gives me this big smile, the smile that makes me melt every time.  

"And whoever said I would go?" His smile dropped.

"Well I just assumed-" I stop Wills sentence by giving him a quick peck. 

I smile with my arms around his neck, "I was kidding. I would be honored to go on a dancing date with the best dancer in Bomont." We both laugh making our way to the exit. 

"So you really think I'm the best dancer in Bomont sweetheart?" He asks with his arm now around my shoulder. 

"Of course, who doesn't?" I reply with a smile. 

A few days later we get a letter from the government of Bomont. The letter is from Robert addressed to our family. I call my parents down and we open it together. When reading the letter my heart broke and I found out we were not the only ones who received the letter, everyone in Bomont did. In the letter it says the law of no dancing will still stand. Immediately I call all of my friends asking if they received the letter and read it. Most did and most thought the same thing, this town is a fucking nightmare. I guess the good thing about it is that we move out in no less than 6 months, but still. None of us ever got to really experience the 'Teenage Dream' of high school. 

Everyone in the town was upset, you could just sense it. Ren had given us hope. Some lost it and some still had it, me included. I had hope that one day I could have a regular high school senior prom. I was finishing up my homework and Willards house when Ren comes barging in excitingly.

"Guys, guys!" While he was running to Wills room he knocked a painting over. 

Willard goes to grab a hard textbook thinking it was an robber, "Oh my gosh, ever thought of knocking! You really scared me there. Got me thinking you were some kind of robber

"And who are you thinking you could hurt a robber with a textbook?" I tell him getting up to grab my textbook from his hands. 

"Oh Willard the only thing I would try to rob is your heart." Ren tells him going to give him a big hug." 

Willard try to shove him off, "Well what you doing here? If it's not important or an emergency I will kick your ass, because outside my door there is a painting that may or may not be broken." 

"Okay whatever this is more important than a stupid painting. I have some great news. We all might have our prom like we wanted." Ren says taking a moment to catch his breath. 

"What!" Willard and I both scream. 

"Well I was at my job talking to my boss and he told me that where I work we could have the dance!" I looked at him in confusion. He worked in Bomont never would the reverand not find out about that. 

"Ren that amazing! Georgia don't you think that's-" 

"Hold your horses Will. Don't you work in the town of Bomont?" 

Willard looks at me," Okay why the hell you always interrupting me? I'm always trying to say something but then-" 

"Cause I can." I say with an innocent smile. He gives me a what the fuck look, but all I do is give him a kiss on the cheek. 

"Turns out everything east of the Bomont water tower is Bayson, and guess where I work. East of the tower, so my boss offered the place for the dance. Only on the exception that reverend Moore agrees with it." Willard chucked.

"How on heavens name are you gonna convince the reverend about the dance." 

"I don't know but I'll try. Just put your trust in me."

A.N ----------


so basically I went on vacay for a month but I back. Sorry the chapter is so short but the next one I will try to make longer. Also thank you so much for all the love on this book, the book is almost finished so yeah. I can't believe I have been working on it for literally more than a year now (mainly cause I kept forgetting about it) but thank you to all who have been here since the beginning especially when it was so cringe.

Always have an amazing day yall!. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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