24} Will We Win the Case?

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Today is the day Ren will try to convince our town to withdraw the dance ban. I can't believe how far he has gone. I can't believe how far we have all gone. Almost everyone in Bomont will be there. I mean can you blame them, this is like the most important thing that has happened since the accident. I put on my light wash skinny jeans with a light green peasant top and head out to meet Willard. My whole family is coming so we offered to take him too.

"Hey Will," I say giving him a light kiss on the lips.

"Hey gorgeous, you excited?"

"Yeah,  plus a little nervous. I do seriously think we can win. I mean with all the evidence we have, they will have to listen to us."

"Yeah" He says, "I'm pretty nervous as well though. What if we lose, I mean that would suck. All I want is a chance to really take you to a dance. It's our last year. It's what we deserve, it is what all of Bomont deserves.

"I agree Willard. I mean we have never really had a formal dance have we?"

"No we haven't Georgia. So let's hope this is the year."

"I really hope so too Willy." We head to the city council and everyone has come to see what will happen. Will Ren convince the board or not be taken seriously and lose.

We are now all gathered in the council room, and saying it was packed was an understatement. There were so many people there that more than half of the people in the room were standing, this included Ariel, Rusty, and I. My family grabbed a bench near the back. The boys were in the rows just waiting to be called up. Were still in earshot of them, so I still  hear Willard and Ren's convo.

"Hey, what's your secret plan? Will asks, "You gonna get down there and boogie?"

"I wish it were that easy." Ren responds, and the meeting has just begun. The mayor addresses a few things and then calls for Ren to speak his case.

Ren stands up, "My name is Ren McCormick and I wan to move on behalf of most of the senior class of Bomont High that the law against public dancing within the town limits of Bomont be abolished." Students start cheering, even some of the adults join too. The jury ponds the hammer trying to get everyone to settle down.

Reverend Moore decides to speak up, "Rodger if I may address Mr. McCormick on this matter?"

"Please do."  he replies.

"Ren besides the liquor and the drugs and the rude behavior that seems to always accompany these types of unsupervised events the thing that really de-stresses me the most more than any of that is the spiritual corruption." Oh here we go again... "These dances, this music it distorts young peoples attitudes. You might find it funny but I firmly believe that dancing can be destructive and celebrating certain types of music can be destructive. I think that you are going to find that most of the people in this community are going to agree with me." There is small clapping that can be heard but not as much as Ren got before.

"You think Ren can convince them?" I ask Ariel in a small whisper.

"If he can convince me to liking him then he can do anything."

"Wait wha-"

"I believe a vote is an order of this motion to all those opposed please-" Roger speaks.

"Excuse me I still got something to say on this issue." Ren says interrupting the jury.

"Hey, hey, hey I though Ren had the floor here!" His uncle interjects, but still Rodger just keeps pounding that stupid hammer.

"This meeting will come to order." Rodger tells the crowd, but once he does the place gets talking.

"He can't do that can he?" Ariel asks Rusty and I.

"I think he can, but he shouldn't. Anyways we still got to talk about what you said earlier-"

"Mr. McCormick," Ah why is it always Rodger interrupting me, "I have been more than paint with your intrusion and I would like to remind you that we speak for this town because we are from here-"

"Excuse me Mr. Dunbar-" Ariel's mom, Vi, is trying to speak but Rodger just keeps on going, gosh does he ever stop. 

"You to come into this council chamber and question our motives-"

"Rodger!" She says with a little more power in her voice this time, "Stop it." Now she has stood up and faces Ren, "I think Mr. McCormick has the right to be heard." The whole crowd starts applauding again.

I scream, "Woo go Vi! I love you!" Ren now goes to stand in front of the podium near the jury's table, and I am shaking of nerves for him. We all stay cheering him on until the whole room goes silent.

"I wasn't here three years ago when tragedy struck this town, and I know it's not my place to mourn the lives the were lost because I didn't know them. But it doesn't mean I don't think of them everyday." Ren says starting his speech.

I don't know where Ren is going with this. In the corner of my eye I see Willard give me a small smile and I give him one back, "And like a lot of students at Bomont, I see those pictures everyday at school and each time I see their faces I think of how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken from us.

I know this first hand... my own way and three years ago nearly a dozen laws were introduced to this council in order to protect the children of Bomont. And most of these laws I can see as a parent, how they make sense to you. But my right to dance, when I want, where I want, and how I want is a right that you can not take away, it is mine. 

You see we don't have that much time left. All us teenagers pretty soon, were gonna be just like you, were gonna have jobs and bills and families and were gonna have to worry about our won children because that is a job of a parent to worry. I get that, but us as teenagers, is to live, to play our music way to loud and to act like idiots and to make mistakes." Ren goes on to talk about the Bible and how it tells us to dance.

Ren turn to face us the audience and continues, "Ecclesiastes assures us, there's a time for each purpose under heaven. There's a time to weep. There's a time to mourn and there is a time to dance." He says to last words looking at Ariel and I, but I mostly know he is looking at her. Dang how much have I missed. Ren goes back and faces the jury one more time, "and this is our time. There was once a time for that wall, but not anymore. Thank you."

AN- so it's been a while I decided to make this two parts even though it's not rlly long but yeah enjoy. Damm I just realized it's been a minute but yeah enjoy this bad chapter.

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