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{A/N: I'm so sorry guys, I didn't want to be this late but lately, I have a lot on my plate. Gomen. Also, this chapter will contain some major  wonderful Nejiten - Neji-Tenten, ship so, those who don't like it can skip this chapter. Though, I would prefer if you don't. Pwease don't. *puppy dog face*. Also, thank you, followers for being so supportive. }

Neji knew that sooner or later, his turn would come. He couldn't change his destiny, what was written in his fate couldn't be changed. So, he decided to finally step up and do what he had to. This obviously, wouldn't affect him much. He stepped up and non-chalantly walked towards the scroll, completely ignoring all the looks he was getting from his uncle and his team members

He knew he would either see himself being a servant to the main family or dying because of them. He detested the main family, they were always making the branch family be in their limits. He knew his skills were better than Hinata's or even his father's. He had lost everyone he had ever loved. His mother, his father, everyone. But had anyone ever asked him if he was doing fine, if he needed something, if he was eating or not. No, never. He had finally understood that he was not loved. He was only a liability to the Hyuugas. So, he would train himself harder and harder so they would know, what they were missing out. 

He took a deep breath and started making the signs for seeing his future. It wasn't very obvious to most people but, Hinata, Naruto, Tenten and Neji could smell something distinctive that they hadn't smelled before in any future. The Chrysanthemum. {To those who are confused. Chrysanthemum mainly signifies death and mourning, so it's a small sign indicating towards Neji's death *sob*}

The screen flashed to life to show a mature looking Neji wearing  a white kimono-shirt with long, loose sleeves, matching pants, a navy-grey apron tied around his waist, and black shinobi sandals. He was walking towards his training grounds where he had to rendezvous with his teammates and his sensei. He nodded his head respectfully at the people looking at him and occasionally pulled a slight smile upon seeing familiar faces.

"Neji smiled!?!", Tenten was shocked. In all the years she had been with Neji, as his classmate or his teammate, she had never and that means NEVER, smiled. Rock Lee was staring at the screen before a huge grin made its way to his face. "YOSH Neji-kun, I'm so happy that you have finally unleashed your inner youthful self. It seems that in the future, you have bloomed into the epitome of ebullience. Now, we will be youthful together." 

"That was very youthful, Lee. I too must join this journey to attain my maximum potential.", said Guy, already picturing a very "youthful" sunset with his beloved student, Lee and Neji, in identical green tracksuits of cringe. 







"GUY-", Neji interrupted them by slapping a hand over Lee's mouth. "That is enough, now." After Team Guy finally got over it and calmed down, ignoring the confused looks, they were getting by everyone else, (except Kakashi and the Sandaime because honestly, they were used to it) they focused on the screen. 

Neji finally made it to the training ground where they usually met and found, like always, Tenten sitting underneath the cherry blossom Sakura tree, humming a song with her eyes closed. Petals were falling all over and around her, but she didn't care. Neji took a minute to appreciate everything that was in front of her. The beauty of nature, the beauty of simplicity and innocence and the beauty of the girl in front of him. Quickly, shaking his head to get rid of the faint blush making way towards his face, he swiftly but soundly made his way to his teammate. 

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